Family Values

Free Family Values by AnDerecco

Book: Family Values by AnDerecco Read Free Book Online
Authors: AnDerecco
the throat)
    I just see a change in you since you are around your family.
    I haven’t changed. Y ou looking for a child or a boyfriend because at this moment you about to have none in a minute if you don’t let me fucking go.
    H e was looking at me with this killer look in his eyes and he didn’t want to let me go at all. I started to push him off me and that’s when he came back stronger. I punch him in the stomach. What did I do that for? He turned around and punched me in my mouth and I delivered a punch to his head. We were literally fighting in the elevator. I know that I am about to get my ass beat but I wasn’t standing for this shit. He was punching and I was punching. I started to feel a bump coming out on the side of my head. I bust my lip on my teeth and that just angered me. I delivered the hardest blow I could to his eye and I made sure that shit blackened.

                  I walked into the waiting area where Gran was sitting. I stopped in the doorway and watched her search inside of her purse. I was in no mood to really talk about anything. I took a deep breath and began to walk. When I stepped in front of her she stood and gave me a deep hug. I was shocked by her action.
    Have a seat.
    Have you been up to see Landon?
    Yes. They are moving him into a room.
    He’s awake?!
    Yes. He woke up about an hour ago. He is talking a little but not much.
I have got to go see him.
    Not now. They are moving him. I wanted to talk to you anyway.
    I want you to move back and run the oil company. I feel that you can oversee the wells and make sure that everything is running right.
    Why me? What about Maddie?
    Maddie will continue to be over finance. I want you to be over operations.
    Gran…what brought this on?
    Since your grandfather’s death I have done a lot of thinking. I treated you poorly growing up. I made mistakes and I want to right as many wrongs as possible.
    By letting me run the company?
    What other way can I make things right?

I don’t know.
    Do me a favor…take those shades off so that I can talk to you.
    I prefer to keep them on.
    Please for me. I want to look you in your eyes.
                  I turned my face as I took the shades off. I was too embarrassed to show the bruises on my face.
    What happened to you?
    Brian and I got into a fight.
    Aww Dwight. I am sorry. Where is he?
    I don’t know. I left him on the elevator.
    He is still here. This is the more reason you need to move back here. You don’t need someone hitting on you. You need to meet a nice young lady and start a family.
    Please don’t do this right now.
    I am just saying. I know a prefect young lady. Do you remember the young lady that was your grandfather’s nurse? Her name is Robin.
    Gran, I accept your offer to run the company.
    One thing though.
    What’s that?
    I don’t want you dating men.
    You can’t control my life.
    If you want to be over a multi-million dollar company I can. It will not look good you being gay and making deals for this company. Other CEOs and oil companies will frown upon it.
                  I thought about the fight that Brian and I just had. Never before had we ever been in that type of situation. I felt the tears forming in my eyes. I could not bear the thought of being without him. I excused myself from the waiting area with my grandmother.
                  As I was walking down the hall towards the restroom I saw Maddie walking up. I stopped and waited to speak to her. She passed me as though I was a

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