Chasing The Moon

Free Chasing The Moon by Loribelle Hunt

Book: Chasing The Moon by Loribelle Hunt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Loribelle Hunt
him, reluctant to release its hold on him as he stroked his way to his own finish. He threw his head back and howled as he came.
    He felt a quiver in her thighs and not yet ready to move, wrapped one arm around her waist and set a hand against the tree keeping both of them from falling to the ground. Sighing, she reached one hand up to rub along his arm, and the other around to squeeze his butt. The move filled him with a sense of rightness.
    “Jackson, I have to stand up.”
    “I have you. You won’t fall,” he whispered against her ear and kissed a line down the back of her neck. She shivered.
    “Okay. I want to stand up.”
    Reluctantly, he straightened and released her, watching as she pulled up her jeans.
    Embarrassment crossed her face, and she looked away. He wondered if it was because they were outside or because she’d enjoyed the anal play. Taking care not to spook her, he pulled her into his arms.
    “Summer,” he said, waiting until she met his gaze. “Whatever we do together is perfectly natural.”
    She caught her lip with her teeth in the nervous gesture he found sexy as hell. His cock responded. A response, judging by the widening of her eyes, she noticed.
    “It’s not natural to…want this much.”
    He grinned at the almost admission. “It is,” he said, bending over to nibble the spot he’d bitten to claim her. “When you’re mated to a werewolf.”
    When he checked again, her expression was mutinous and wary.
    “It won’t ever go away, Summer. I’ll want you as much—you’ll want me as much—in ten years, as today. What we make of the rest of our lives is up to us.” He searched her eyes for any softening, but found none. “God, please give us a chance, Summer,” he whispered. He cupped her face in his palms and dropped a quick kiss on her lips. “I don’t want to live the kind of life your grandfather did. Whether we do or not is up to you.”
    “How can I when you don’t trust me? You’re asking me for all this faith, but where’s yours?” Surprised by her question, he asked, “What are you talking about?” She reached a hand between them and gripped the small disc on the chain around his neck. He’d forgotten all about it.
    “I’m half blind with you wearing this.”
    Half blind? He wasn’t sure what she meant by that, but the thought of limiting her abilities to protect herself filled him with dread. “I can take care of that. ”He pulled the chain over his head and threw it into the woods. He hoped she wouldn’t ask for freedom from the house.
    She eyed him suspiciously. “And you’ll let me leave the house?” So much for that hope. He sighed. “It’s not safe right now. Let me find out who’s trying to undermine my control, and then you can go wherever you want.” Pulling out of his arms, she stepped back and put her hands on her hips. From a distance of three feet, she glared at him. “Surely, it’s safe in the village in the middle of the day. And I’m not entirely defenseless, you know.”
    What did she think she could do against a full-grown werewolf? He growled his anger, determined to prove a point, and pounced at her. He braced an arm under them, catching the fall, careful not to hurt her as he pinned her under him. Her naked breasts pressed against his bare chest, and she gasped. At the contact or the demonstration, he had no idea. Shaking his head, he reminded his cock he was proving a point, not taking her again.
    “I don’t know what you can do. Probably because you won’t talk to me, you think?” He continued before she could answer. “But you can’t take on an adult werewolf. I’ll be damned if you get the chance to try.”
    Glaring, she pushed at him until he rolled over. She jumped up and found her sweater, pulled it on and reached for the jacket. When it was zipped, she turned to him. “I’d like to go back to house now,” she stiffly.
    He nodded and they walked back to the house in an uncomfortable silent. There were people

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