Chasing The Moon

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Book: Chasing The Moon by Loribelle Hunt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Loribelle Hunt
waiting for him inside one of the front rooms, and he stopped her at the bottom step before she could disappear for the next few hours. He kissed her with as much passion as he could put into it.
    “It would destroy me if something happened to you, Summer,” he said in a low voice that wouldn
    ’t carry to his guests. “Just give me some time to deal with this.” Some of the anger faded from her eyes, and she nodded before turning and leaving him to face the pack.

Chapter Six
    Chloe awoke in an instant, cautiously edging a hand out to her side to insure she was alone.
    When she was sure her straining ears picked up nothing but silence, she opened her eyes and looked around. Sometime during the night Wyatt had undone the restraints tying her to the bed and left her free.
    If she was any judge, the house was empty and this was her only chance for escape. He’d kill her as soon as he thought she was no longer of use to him. Sometime over the last week, she’d decided she could live with his death, too.
    Gingerly, she stood and made her way to the bathroom. Careful not to look in the mirror, she turned the hot water tap on in the shower and stepped in. Giving into the tears, she scrubbed herself, wondering if she’d ever be able to wash away the feel of his hands, if she’d ever feel whole and safe and sane again. Hiccupping, she turned off the water and stepped out, and looked into the mirror. Anger stirred through her and she met her gaze in silent promise. Never again . She was not the wimp who’d lived in her body the last nine months, and she was taking her life back. She knew one man, one werewolf, she was certain could take on Wyatt, and she was going to him. If she could get her hands on one of her father’s guns, she’d do it herself.
    Ignoring the purpling that covered her body, she dried off and went in search of clothes. In a fit of rage the night he’d found her outside, he shredded almost everything. She finally found a pair of corduroy pants and an old red sweater faded to orange that had seen many better days.
    She searched the house for her keys and grinned when she came up short, feeling more herself than she had in ages. He really was an idiot if he thought lack of keys would keep her around. She grabbed her purse, stepped out the back door, and sighed with relief when she saw her car. She’d left it unlocked, and since he had the keys, he apparently hadn’t though he needed to lock it. Snorting her derision, she climbed in and hotwired it. Thanks for being a paranoid SOB, Dad . It was something he’
    d insisted she learn when she started dating.
    Glancing at the clock, she peeled out of the driveway. Jackson’s house was only about twenty miles north, but driving out of town and up the mountain would probably take an hour. She wanted to have a good head start on Wyatt.
    She reached for her cell phone on the passenger seat, thinking to call home, but it was completely dead. She considered stopping at the diner to retrieve Billy’s number. Deciding it would take too much time, she drove on. The urge to call him was strong, but she ignored it. After her experience with Wyatt, she didn’t think she would ever be able to stand a man’s touch again, and she shuddered with the knowledge that Billy would expect it of her.
    No. She would go to Jackson and explain what was going on. He wouldn’t be able to not challenge Wyatt, and he’d win that match. If he didn’t, she would stick around long enough to do the deed herself. She hoped she could avoid her father and Billy long enough to get that done. Then she would disappear.
    The road wound further and further up while she thought it through, while she made plans. She had an aunt in Pensacola. She would go there for as long as possible. Eventually her mother and father would tell Billy where to find her—probably sooner rather than later—but it would give her a little space, some time to plan. Once she was free of the mate bond, she would be

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