
Free Choices by Sydney Lane

Book: Choices by Sydney Lane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sydney Lane
with that? I mean, he doesn’t seem to want me around.” I hate the idea of them discussing this without me.
    “Girl, is he OK with it? He seemed to think it was the best thing ever. He knows Declan has to go back to the house because he is the sober driver. I think he’d love to have you alone, if you know what I mean.” Right. I’m sure that’s exactly what he’s thinking. But there is no reasoning with Jenna.
    “Oh, alright . But you owe me one.” The possibility of waking up and seeing that blonde in the morning makes me ill.
    So, I head back to the keg for one more beer. I’m going to need it.

    Chapter 15
    When I get back outside, people are starting to leave. Declan asks me if I need a ride back, but I tell him I’m going to drive Jenna’s car home. I don’t know why I lie. I’ve never lied to anybody in my life.
    He pulls me into the shadows by the cabin and asks, “Are you sure you’re OK? You just seemed a little zoned out earlier.” He is so adorable when he looks worried.
    The beer has me feeling a little bold, so I wrap my arms around his waist and hug him tight. “I’m just fine. Be careful driving home and I’ll text you tomorrow.”
    As I release him, he bends to give me quick peck on the lips. “Text me when you get home tonight. I won’t be able to sleep if you don’t.” Awww. He’s the best. I really don’t deserve him.
    When h e heads off to round up his crew, I go straight for the keg. I’m downing my second cup when someone steps up behind me. I know exactly who it is before he speaks. “Whoa! Careful, tiger! What’s the rush? I didn’t think you drank alcohol.”
    His voice grates on my nerves. I haven’t even looked at him, and I’m ready to throw myself at him. “I don’t. I mean didn’t. Before now.” When I finally look at him, I’m blown away. He looks even sexier without his cap on.
    He smiles, like he knows a secret. “So, Quince. You’re not a little jealous, are you?” What an asshole.
    “I don’t care what you do, Brody. So, umm, Jenna says we are staying. Where do you want me to sleep?” Saying those words puts all kinds of thoughts in my head, and none of them are decent.
    “I want you to sleep in my bed , but I don’t think that would go over too well.” He cocks his eyebrow and smirks. “So, your room is at the top of the stairs, second door on the right. There is a bathroom next to it. There are extra toothbrushes and stuff in the drawer on the left. It’s my sister’s room, so there should be t-shirts in the dresser if you want something to sleep in. If you need anything else, come find me.” He shrugs and walks away. Asshole .
    The beer suddenly hits me, and I realize why I’ve never been a drinker. I hate the feeling of not being in total control. And right now, I’m not in control of one damn thing.
    I see Jenna and Eric dancing down by the fire. They are so sweet together that I tell myself I’m doing this for her, so that one of us can be happy. I walk back toward the cabin, and I have one positive thought. At least I’ll get to see what it looks like on the inside now .
    I enter through the kitchen and look around in wonder. It is beautiful. The granite countertops, stainless steel appliances, and tile floors are very modern but somehow look like they belong here. Wanting to see more, I follow a hall into the great room. This is the room with the floor to ceiling windows that I noticed earlier. There is a beautiful stone fireplace on one side of the room, and I can just picture a fire burning in it while snow falls outside. It would be so cozy. And romantic. Ugh. Don’t even go there .
    I follow the stairs up to a landing. I go to the second door on the right, but it is locked. Thinking I might have misunderstood, I try the third door. It is the bathroom. I figure I might as well get ready for bed, so I brush my teeth, let my hair down, and wash my face. I’m feeling a little tipsy, and I just want to sleep.
    I try the

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