Enticing the Spymaster (War Girls)

Free Enticing the Spymaster (War Girls) by Julie Rowe

Book: Enticing the Spymaster (War Girls) by Julie Rowe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Julie Rowe
    She wanted—no, needed —something more. But she didn’t know what.
    “Michael,” she said on a breathy moan. “Please.”
    His mouth left hers, and he nibbled and sucked his way down her neck. “What do you want?”
    “I...I don’t know. You. I want...you.”
    He lifted his head and gazed down at her with eyes ablaze. “I won’t stop this time,” he growled. “Do you understand? I can’t stop. I’ve waited too long, wanted too long.”
    “Yes.” She didn’t understand, but didn’t care. She wanted to belong to him, even if it was for a short time. Even if it was only for this hour.
    He stared at her, fear flashing across his features. “I’ll be gentle. I swear to God I won’t hurt you.”
    She smiled and tugged at him. “You’ll only hurt me if you....” No, she wasn’t going to put a name to her fears. “Please, I need you.”
    “I’m yours.” He groaned and kissed her again, his mouth open, his tongue seeking hers in a sinful tangle.
    His hands met at the back of her neck and he started unbuttoning her dress. She thought it would take forever, but then the cool air hit her back and he pulled the bodice down. He stared at her breasts.
    “So beautiful,” he whispered, cupping them, rubbing his thumbs over the nipples.
    She panted, clinging to his shoulders as he watched his fingers play. She made a sound and his eyes darkened. His mouth was on hers again and his hands were busy, pushing her dress and undergarments down over her hips, leaning her back on the bench.
    He wrenched his uniform off, nearly tearing it in the process, his gaze never stopping its slow rake of her body.
    “You are exquisite.”
    Jude didn’t answer. She was too busy staring at his body. Muscles bunched and shifted under his skin as he flung his shirt in the corner, followed by his trousers and knickers. She sucked in a breath—then forgot how to breathe altogether. He looked like the statue of David, only he was warm, alive and very aroused.
    The evidence of which stood out proudly from its nest of hair.
    She reached to touch him, but he caught her hand and pinned it to the bench above her head.
    “If you touch me, I won’t last more than a few moments.” He came over her, one leg thrust between her own.
    “But I—”
    “Let me give you pleasure.” His whisper tickled her ear.
    He’d said that before.
    No , she wouldn’t think of that. Not now. “Yes.”
    He groaned and took her mouth, bracing his weight on one forearm while his free hand traced the line of her jaw, her neck and down to her breast, where he teased and tantalised her until she writhed beneath him.
    Then he dipped his hand lower, between her legs, circling and rubbing the sensitive flesh there, teaching her the true meaning of desire.
    She was burning up and the force of it frightened her. “Michael?”
    “Jude...God, you’re like liquid fire in my arms.”
    “I n-n-need, I need...something. I feel like I’m going to fly apart.” Her thighs started to shake and she gripped his shoulders, digging her nails in. “ Please .”
    “Yes, now.” He parted her quivering thighs with his other knee, making room for himself between them. But he was so large, so overwhelmingly male, that she began to shake from head to toe. A frightened sound squeaked past her lips.
    “Shh, I won’t hurt you.” He took her face in his hands and kissed her over and over, letting her get used to the feel of his body covering hers. “I’d rather die than hurt you.”
    “I know.” Her jaw shook and she tried to control it, but her body didn’t feel as if it belonged to her anymore. “I...I want this. I want you.”
    He kissed her again, softly this time, gently, and she calmed enough for the tremors to disappear.
    His hand tested her and she gasped at the unexpected jolt of pleasure.
    “So wet, so tight.” He tested her again, then replaced his fingers with something a lot larger and harder.
    He was careful—almost too careful—working his cock

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