Angel in Chains

Free Angel in Chains by Nellie C. Lind

Book: Angel in Chains by Nellie C. Lind Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nellie C. Lind
side. He knew that he would then have to watch her fade away, and die from starvation, but she would not be alone at least. That thought filled his heart with pain, and he tried to shake the image of a dying Inez in his arms. He hoped it didn't have to come to that. Somehow he would find a way. He would save her.
    “Don't be afraid,” he whispered, caressing her cheek. “I will never leave you.”
    The way she looked at him made Aledyan think that she believed him. It had been like that from the moment he chose not to set himself free when he had the chance. Aledyan was thankful for that. He would never betray the faith she had in him now. He wanted it to stay like this, forever.
    He grabbed her arm s, drew them around him and placed her cheek against his naked chest. She allowed him, and the skin to skin contact send a shiver of pleasure through his body. His body reacted in ways that were not familiar to him. He had never really been interested in women before. They were beautiful to look at, but that was about it. He had never wanted to be this close to one before, and he knew very well why. Many had tried, but only the right one could awaken these feelings within him. And here she was, in his arms, making him feel warm, but also nervous. She made him feel longing, wanting and desire. Especially that one part of his body reacted, telling him to get on with it, because the longing had started to drive him crazy. Her tiny arms that were wrapped around him didn't improve his situation, but he didn't move. This time he wanted to take his time, enjoy being with her and forget about everything.
    She looked up , and he saw a shy smile on her face. It looked cute on her. It made him want to kiss away that last little piece of nervousness that he saw in her eyes.
    “Do you really want to do this?” he asked, probably for the tenth time. He wanted her to be absolutely sure because once it was done there would be no turning back.
    “Yes,” she answered. “I will not change my mind.”
    His heart skipped a beat, and Aledyan looked deep into her eyes. “You are the one.”

Chapter 19
    “The one?” she asked even though she did have an idea what he meant.
    “Yes, you are the one meant for me.”
    She swallowed. There had been something between them from the first moment she laid eyes on him. Someone else would have run away, but she didn't. She hadn't been able to because of the instant attraction she had felt for him.
    “How can you tell for sure?”
    “Because of what I feel for you,” he answered.
    The way he looked at her made her knees weak. It felt like his gaze pierced right through her soul. “And what do you feel?” The words didn't come easy, she almost stuttered them out, and her knees threatened to give in.
    He looked at her for a while before he answered. “Love.”
    Inez knees finally gave in, but she didn't land on the ground. Aledyan's arms tightened around her waist and he pressed her against his warm body, not allowing her to fall.
    “Love?” she asked with a shaky voice.
    “Yes. Angels can only fall in love once, and until we do we aren't familiar with the emotion. You could say we are numb to it until this special one comes into our lives. Then everything awakens within us.” He leaned closer, placing his cheek against hers. “I have never longed for a woman before, never had the need for one, not until I saw you. You make me desire things I have never needed before. You make my body come alive.”
    Without any shame he grabbed her hand and placed it against his groin. Inez almost bolted out of his arms. She had not expected him to do that. When she tried to withdraw her hand he would not let her.
    “Do you feel that?” he asked. A teasing smile decorated his beautiful features.
    She sur e did. It was impossible to miss his rising desire.
    “This is all because of you ,” he said.
    “You mean that you have never had an erection before?”
    “No, I'm saying that this has never happened

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