Mystery in the Moonlight

Free Mystery in the Moonlight by Lynn Patrick

Book: Mystery in the Moonlight by Lynn Patrick Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynn Patrick
continue the interrogation. “Why do you assume I know anything of value to you?”
    “Because men have been known to tell pretty women everything about themselves,” he returned. “How easy it would be to give away valuable information when enticed by a pair of delicate arms.”
    Caitlin remembered that Bryce had seen Jean kiss her the day before. She also remembered how he’d taken her in his own arms later that evening. Unfortunately it now seemed that Bryce merely had been trying to get information, and she’d been fool enough to think that he’d been attracted to her. But if she brought up his low tactics, he’d only laugh at her again.
    “If you want the truth,” Caitlin said tightly, “I was bluffing before. I’m hardly acquainted with Jean Moreau. I’m merely a guest at his resort. I can’t tell what I don’t know.”
    “Really?” Bryce’s eyes hardened. “Then why did you lock yourself in Moreau’s cabin?”
    “The men on this boat brought me on board by force. They locked me in here.”
    “And you had no way of getting out.”
    “No,” Caitlin said impatiently. “They weren’t gracious enough to supply me with the key.”
    Bryce took a step toward the desk and lifted a key from the midst of papers littering its surface. “This was right here on top when I searched the desk a few minutes ago. You could have used it to get out at any time.”
    “I—I didn’t see it,” Caitlin croaked. Why couldn’t she have been clever enough to search for a key in the cabin? “Or I would have been long gone before you got here.”
    “Pardon me if I don’t believe you. Now, why don’t you cooperate and give me the information I need about Moreau’s operations?”
    “I told you I don’t know anything.” Caitlin screwed up her courage and said haughtily, “May I remind you, I’m a citizen of the United States. You’re breaking international law by detaining me, so I demand that you return me to Hibiscus Island at once!”
    “As soon as you tell me everything you know, I’ll set you free.”
    “Pardon me if I don’t believe you,” Caitlin said, echoing Bryce’s own words.
    “Suit yourself. I have plenty of time. You’ll tire of my company soon enough.”
    Alarmed now, Caitlin demanded, “What does that mean?”
    “Very simply put, it means that you’re coming with me.”
    Grabbing her by the wrist, Bryce hauled Caitlin toward the cabin’s door as easily as if she were cooperating, which she definitely was not. She was dragging her heels and pulling away from him, and though he wasn’t a man who took pleasure in hurting women, he was determined to hang on to her until she decided to talk.
    “Stop fighting me.”
    “I wouldn’t have to fight if you’d let go of me!” she yelled as he dragged her all the way up to the deck. “You’re nothing but a   bully and a…a…”
    “Pirate?” he added grimly, ignoring a few of his men who stood staring at their captain in amazement. “No need to repeat yourself. I know what you think of me.” Pulling Caitlin tightly against him so that his body couldn’t help but respond to the touch of hers, Bryce said, “Now, are you ready to give me the information I need?”
    Hearing a snicker from one of the men, Bryce ordered through gritted teeth, “Then shut up!”
    He continued to pull her along. When he got Caitlin to the opening in the starboard rail, however, the fight suddenly seemed to go out of her. His ship was tied to the boat both fore and aft, but as the two vessels rocked with the waves, a gap widened between them.
    Bryce could feel her trembling as she asked, “A-are you really going to feed me to the sharks?”
    He was tempted to say yes. But when he glanced at her, he noted that her face was pasty white except for a few smudges of dirt. Her eyes seemed to glaze as she looked down through the widening gap, and her lower lip quivered. She was terrified. Why did that make him feel like a bastard? He was only

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