Mark's Story

Free Mark's Story by Tim Lahaye, Jerry B. Jenkins

Book: Mark's Story by Tim Lahaye, Jerry B. Jenkins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tim Lahaye, Jerry B. Jenkins
do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven.’
    “We returned straightaway with great joy the half-mile journey to Jerusalem. Your mother has again graciously invited us to lodge in the upper room, but daily we will be continually in the temple, praising and blessing God.”
    “And you do not fear the authorities?”
    Peter smiled and stood, putting a hand on Mark’s shoulder. “Tell me, young one: had you experienced what we have, would you fear any man?”

    A s Mark accompanied Peter to the portal of his home to bid him adieu, the lad had to admit to himself that, yes, had he been through what Peter and the others had, he would not likely ever feel fear again. But what intrigued him most about Peter’s account was Jesus’ reference to the remission of sins. If anyone needed that, Mark did. And his daily Scripture readings referred to it constantly.
    Peter hesitated, plainly with something on his mind.
    “John Mark,” he said, “this evening the other disciples and I will return here for a season with much business to attend to. We greatly anticipate—with some consternation, of course—this spiritual baptism the Lord referenced. But, son, you and I will be seeing much of each other again, and I would that we might repair the friendship we once enjoyed. I know I disappointed you. I failed you and of course the Master, and—”
    “You need say no more, sir. I confess I was disillusioned, but I don’t know whence came the foolish idea that I might have acted any differently under the circumstances. That the Lord Himself appears to have forgiven you and assigned you to minister to people in His name, well, that is more than enough for me.”
    “I covet the respect I once felt from you, John Mark.”
    “That you have, sir.”
    And they embraced.


    L ATER THAT DAY Peter returned to the upper room with James, John, and Andrew; Philip and Thomas; Bartholomew and Matthew; James the son of Alphaeus and Simon the Zealot; and Judas the son of James. Not long later arrived several of the women from Galilee, plus Mary the mother of Jesus, along with His brothers.
    While Mark and his mother and their servants slipped in and out with refreshments, the disciples and their friends continued with one accord in prayer and supplication. Mark was most impressed by the earnestness and devotion of these and continually told his mother how privileged he felt—and believed she should feel—that God had entrusted them with the hospitality of these special people.
    That evening John Mark’s own studies took on entirely new meaning for him. “Mother,” he said, “suddenly I am being led to passages and prophecies that all seem to speak of Messiah. And it is clear they all refer to Jesus.”
    “You should tell Peter. He once confided to me that he wished you would teach him, as he is uneducated but very curious about the Scriptures.”
    For the next few days, whenever Peter had a spare moment, Mark showed him what he was studying and answered many questions. Peter read slower than Mark, so the lad tried to teach him as much as he knew about each passage. Like Mark, Peter was most intrigued by references to the Messiah. But the boy could not bring himself to ask about the remission of sins. He didn’t want Peter to think less of him.


    A FEW DAYS LATER Peter informed Mark and his mother that he would like to invite more than a hundred clandestine believers to join those already meeting in the upper room. “Not to lodge here, of course, Mary, but to meet with us on some important matters.”
    “Well, certainly,” she said. “Mark and the servants can stock up on supplies, and—”
    “We wish not to be a burden, friend. They will not be with us long.”
    The next day about a hundred twenty crowded the upper room, and Mark and his mother were welcomed to sit in. Peter, who seemed to have been reinstated by

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