The Midwife's Christmas Miracle
right. I am not an advocate for stepping in unnecessarily, believe me. However, there are occasions when it would be foolish not to do so. Your baby could suffer permanent brain damage if he’s deprived of oxygen and that is a risk I’m sure none of us wishes to take.’
    ‘No, of course not,’ Emma agreed shakily. ‘I’d never forgive myself if that happened. If you think a section is necessary then that’s what we’ll do. Isn’t that right, Peter?’
    ‘I…um…yes, of course,’ her husband muttered, looking a little shocked.
    Max wasted no more time as he went to the phone and informed Theatre that he would be operating. In a very short time, Emma was on her way. He followed the convoy out of the room, pausing briefly to have a last word with Lucy. ‘The baby should be fine and so will Emma. She’ll be back with you in no time at all.’
    ‘Thank you. I know they’re in safe hands.’
    Max felt that little tug on his emotions again. Why did her opinion matter so much? he wondered. He knew he was good at his job and didn’t need anyone to tell him that, yet it meant something really special to know that she believed in him.
    He shrugged, trying not to get too hung up on the idea. ‘As I’ve said before, we make a good team, Lucy. I doubt if Emma would have agreed to this op so readily without your input. She was obviously swayed by the reference you gave me.’
    She gave a little grimace but he saw the colour that tinted her cheeks. ‘I only told her the truth.’
    ‘Then thank you.’ His voice dropped and he could hear the emotion it held even if she couldn’t. ‘It’s good to know that you have such faith in me, Lucy.’
    He turned away, knowing that he was in danger of saying too much. It would be a mistake to do that, a huge mistake to let himself get carried away. He sighed as he headed for the lift. A few kind words and he was like putty in her hands!

Chapter Seven
    L UCY popped into the special care baby unit to see Emma’s baby before she went home. Although little Ruby Rose Baker didn’t appear to have suffered any ill-effects from what had happened, it was normal practice to keep any babies born by Caesarean section in the unit for the first couple of days. Anita Walsh, the community midwife, was there when she arrived.
    ‘I can’t believe this has happened!’ Anita exclaimed. ‘It was a textbook pregnancy from the start, just like Emma’s previous two were. She didn’t even suffer from morning sickness!’
    ‘No wonder she was so stunned when she was told that she needed a section,’ Lucy said sympathetically. ‘It must have been a real shock for her.’
    ‘It was. She was only expecting to stay in for a few hours and now she’ll be here for a week.’ Anita sighed. ‘I know how stubborn Emma can be when she sets her mind on something, so I expect she kicked up a bit of a fuss. I’m really sorry that you got landed with this, Lucy.’
    ‘It wasn’t your fault,’ she assured her. ‘Anyway, Emma seemed to accept what needed to be done once Max had explained how dangerous it could be for the baby.’
    ‘Now, that I can believe,’ Anita said with a laugh.‘Not many women can resist when Max turns on the charm!’
    Lucy smiled dutifully but it was painful to have Max’s reputation as a silver-tongued charmer confirmed once more. She tried to shake off the feeling of disappointment that filled her as they left the unit, but it was hard to shift it. Although she knew how foolish it was, she didn’t want to have to see Max in anything other than a positive light.
    ‘So how are you settling in?’ Anita asked as they headed along the corridor. ‘It must be a big change for you living here after the city. I’m not sure if I could make the move the other way.’
    ‘I really like it here,’ Lucy replied truthfully, glad to have something other than Max to occupy her thoughts. ‘I certainly don’t feel as though I’m missing out by not being surrounded by all the hustle

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