Greeley's Spyce

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Book: Greeley's Spyce by Aliyah Burke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aliyah Burke
she had fallen asleep in his
    arms, he knew the exact moment she was truly asleep. Ernst readjusted them

    Aliyah Burke
    so their bodies were comfortably entangled. Her body caused his to begin to
    stir. He wanted her again, but he gritted his teeth and let her sleep.

    C H A P T E R E I G H T
    Kacy awoke a five. It never failed; no matter what time she went to
    bed, she woke at five. At least today was Sunday. Opening her eyes, she saw
    rain running down the windowpane. Perfect. A rainy Sunday, more reason to
    lie around.
    A gentle smile crossed her face as she thought of Ernst and the tender
    and gentle way he had made love to her. Slipping out of bed, she grabbed
    some clothes and headed for the bathroom.

    Ernst was awake the second she stirred against him. He watched
    through lowered lids as she snuck from the room. Why was she up so damn
    early? His body relaxed as he heard the toilet flush. Still tired, he drifted back
    to sleep to the sound of rain pounding against the glass.
    He woke again. Alone. This time he sat up and glanced at his watch.
    Six-thirty, but no Kacy in bed. Wiping the sleep from his eyes, Ernst slid on
    his boxers and crept up the hall. She wasn‘t in the guest room, office, living
    room, or kitchen. About to get dressed and really search, he noticed the
    sliding door to her porch open.
    Stepping out, he saw her sound asleep on the swing. The rain was
    coming down hard, but it didn‘t wake her. Ernst stood over her and looked,
    really looked at her. Her hair was in disarray. He could see where she had
    whisker burn on her neck courtesy of him. Thick lashes were resting on her
    baby soft skin. Her cute little nose and full lips that he loved to kiss made her
    appear angelic.
    Leaning down, he scooped her right out of the swing and carried her
    back into the bedroom where he put them both back under the covers. Ernst
    fell easily back to sleep with her in his arms again.

    Someone or something was watching her. Copper eyes opened and
    the first thing they saw was a pair of heart-stopping blue eyes. The man who
    owned those eyes was propped up on one arm looking down at her.

    Aliyah Burke
    ―Good morning, Kacy,‖ Ernst spoke in a deep voice. It was so com-
    forting to hear his timbre. He reached over and began to trace her lips.
    ―Morning,‖ she mumbled. ―I thought I was on the porch,‖ Kacy said,
    more to herself.
    ―You were but you belong in your bed, and my body missed yours.‖
    He kissed her before going back to his touching quest.
    Kacy put her gaze on him. ―Why did you come back?‖
    His caresses never paused. ―Aside from the fact I wanted you and I
    still do? I came back because it was after midnight, a new day. I came back
    because I wanted to be with you. I wanted to fall asleep with you in my
    His fingertips lightly roamed over her face, as if memorizing every
    detail. ―How are you feeling?‖ His touch moved down her neck.
    ―Lazy,‖ she answered with a sigh. His touch was so different; it could
    stoke her to burning frenzy or offer such comfort and tenderness as it was
    doing now.
    ―Yes, I am.‖ His touch changed and she began to tremble from the
    desire she could feel emanating from his fingertips.
    His hand stilled. ―What do you want to eat?‖
    Kacy misunderstood. She wanted him to want her again. Since he
    was asking about breakfast and no longer caressing her, she figured she had
    been a disappointment, after all.
    Feeling her body‘s reaction, Ernst growled low in his throat and
    pinned her between him and the mattress. ―Sweetheart, I want you so much I
    hurt.‖ Taking her hand, he placed it on his throbbing erection. ―I was think-
    ing of you and how your body is doing.‖ He kissed her briefly. ―You didn‘t
    disappoint me. Quite to the contrary, I love every response you give me.‖
    Tightening her hand around him, Kacy looked directly into his eyes
    and murmured, ―This is what I want. This is what I

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