My White Lottery Winner (BWWM Interracial Romance)

Free My White Lottery Winner (BWWM Interracial Romance) by J A Fielding

Book: My White Lottery Winner (BWWM Interracial Romance) by J A Fielding Read Free Book Online
Authors: J A Fielding
Desiree’s ex said.
    Desiree looked at him and sighed. The day was not turning out as she wanted at all.

Chapter 7
    “ What? Is today douche day or something?” Desiree wondered as she looked at Leon.
    “ You look surprised to see me, Dee. Or is that your pleased to see me face?” he asked as he smiled at her.
    “ Your first guess was right. What are you doing here? I just dealt with one douche. I don’t really need another, one at least not now. A douche a day is my limit,” she said.
    “ Douche is a really strong word, don’t you think?” Leon asked.
    “ Actually no, because in my books, a man who lies to a woman about his marital status is as much a douche as Bin Laden,” she said.
    “ Ouch,” Leon said, still smiling at her. He climbed out of the car and stood in front of her. Because of her whole ordeal with Mark, she had lost all patience. The only thing going through her mind was how much she wanted to bash his face in. “And by the way, I didn’t lie,” he said.
    “ Oh yes you did. You lied by omission,” she said as she looked at him. Leon smiled.
    “ You always looked so pretty when you got mad,” he said. Desiree rolled her eyes and looked at him.
    “ I have no time for your bull, Leon. I have things to do,” she said looking at him.
    “ That’s fine. I got you something,” he said as he opened the rear car door.
    “ I don’t want anything from you,” she said as Leon took out a big square gift box. “What the hell is that?” she asked as she looked at the wrapped package in his hands.
    “ Well, why don’t you open it?” he asked. She looked at the package and sighed.
    “ I told you I don’t want anything from you,” she said.
    “ Will you at least open it and see what it is?” he asked. “It’s something you will like, I am sure of it,” he said. Desiree was getting anxious. She wanted to be out of there as soon as possible.
    “ Fine,” she said as she took the package from his hands and tore the wrapping paper off the package. She almost gasped when she saw what was inside. A beautiful painting. She could not make out who exactly had done it.
    “ I was going to give you that for your birthday but…well, certain events transpired,” Leon said as Desiree admired the piece of art in her hands. “It’s a piece by a good friend of mine in Italy. I thought you might like it,” he added. She looked up and shook her head.
    “ Why are you giving it to me?” she asked. “Why now?” she asked again.
    “ Well, I got it for you. There was no point in keeping it around. It only reminded me of you…of us,” he said as he looked at her.
    “ But I really don’t see myself hanging on to this. I mean, I did move on Leon. How am I going to explain a piece of art from my ex-boyfriend?” she asked.
    “ Well, as I said. I got it for you. If you don’t want it, you can always sell it. It’s worth maybe ten or fifteen thousand,” he said. “But I really wish you would keep it. Sort of a reminder of our time together,” he added. Desiree raised an eyebrow.
    “ Have you completely lost your mind, Leon? Why would I want anything to remind me of one of the biggest  mistakes of my life?” she asked.
    “ Come on, Dee. We were happy once. Weren’t we?” Leon asked.
    “ Well, yes, but that was before I realized that the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with was married with kids. So, again, tell me, why would I want something that would remind me of that?” she asked. She put the painting in his hands.
    “ Please, for the love of God, Leon, stay away from me,” she said.
    “ I just wanted to give you something I got you when we were still together,” he said.
    “ And I appreciate it, I think. But like I said, I have too much on my mind to even think of entertaining this,” she said as she began walking away.
    She could hear him calling her out but she wanted to be as far from him as possible. It was as if her past had decided to come and haunt her, with a

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