The Gestapo and German Society: Enforcing Racial Policy 1933-1945

    See Hirsch, Majer, and Meinck, 89-90.

    1fi Aronson, 66.

    :4 See Mommsen, 'Reichstag Fire', 134

    Kershaw, The 'Hitler Myth', 53.

    ze Hans Tesmer of the Gestapo, quoted in Martin Broszat, 'Nationalsozialistische Konzentrationslager 1933-194.5, in Buchheim et al., ii. r i.

    30 Ibid. 1 r-I 3.

    " Rudolf Diels, Lucifer ante Portas.... Es spricht der erste Chef der Gestapo (Stuttgart, 1950), 166, Graf, 120.

    32 See Riirup (ed.), 30ff., and Tuchel and Schattenfroh, 63ff. For an introduction to Goring see Overy, Goering, 22ff.

    33 For a copy of the law see Hirsch, Majer, and Meinck (eds.), 326-7; also IMT xxix. 250-1, doc. PS 2104.

    " See esp. the biography in Graf, p. 230.

    'S See Buchheim, 38-40. In 1935 Werner Best commented that 'the Gestapo is an independent branch of the internal administration' (quoted by Buchheim, 40). Hans Bernd Gisevius said that from the point of view of the police system it was 'nonsense' to separate the Gestapo from the criminal and order police. See his testimony in IMT xii. 171.

    "See the detailed analysis in Graf, 139 ff. For the law of 3o Nov. 1933 see IMT xxix. 251-2, doc. PS 2105.

    17 Graf. 144. For the law of 8 Mar. 19 34 see IMT xxix. z 58-69. doc. PS a 113. Cf. the testimony of Gisevius. ibid. xii. 17 3.

    Hirsch, Majer, and Meinck (eds.), 89.

    "' Geoffrey Pridham, Hitler's Rise to Power: The Nazi Movement in Bavaria 1923-33 (London, 1973), 302. For a copy of the Hitler-Held discussions see Falk Wiesemann, Die Vorgeschichte der nationalsozialistischen Machtubernahme in Bayern 1932/1933 (Berlin, 1975), 294ff,

    See tables vi and vii in Kershaw, Popular Opinion, 24-5.

    For the background see Wiesemann, 272ff.

    "Edward N. Peterson, The Limits of Hitler's Power (Princeton, 1969), i 5y.

    *' Pridham, 312.

    44 Jamin, Zwischen den Klassen, 2-5. For some self-portraits of SA members see Peter H. Merkl. The Making of a Stormtrooper (Princeton, 1980), 26ff.

    47 Peter Diehl-Thiele, Partei and Staat im Dritten Reich (Munich, 1969), 75ff.

    Wolfgang Sauer, 'Die Mobilmachung der Gewalt', in Bracher, Sauer, and Schulz, 866-7.

    46 Ibid. 868.

    Cf. Wolfgang Kruger, Entnazifiziert! (Wuppertal, 1982), 97ff.; Lutz Niethammer, Die Mitldu- ferfabrik: Die Entnazifizierung am Beispiel Bayerns (Berlin, 1982), 593ff.

    '' Gisevius. 101.

    "" Diehl-Thiele, Partei and Staat in Dritten Reich, 75 ff.

    49 Allen, The Nazi Seizure of Power, 15 7.

    sz Ibid. 225.

    Diels, 222.

    54 Ibid. 112.

    i5 Ortwin Domr6se, Der NS-Staat in Bayern von der Machtergreifung bis zum Rohm-Putsch (Munich, 1974), 185ff.; Jochen Klenner, Verhdltnis von Partei and Staat 1933-1945: Dargestellt am Beispiel Bayerns (Munich, 1974), 116ff.

    s Domrose, i 8 5 ff; for the east see Bessel, 114.

    17 Bessel, 113.

    "Erich C. Reiche, The Development of the SA in Niurnberg 1922-1934 (Cambridge, 1986), 199- 8o.

    Hans Frank, quoted in Pridham. 314. Cf. Diehl-Thiele, 8off.

    "' Ibid. 199.

    The phrase is quoted by Buchheim, 40-I.

    See the document in Aronson, 3z 3.l

    " Gisevius. 1187.

    17 Quoted in ibid. 81.

    Hartmut Mehringer, 'Die KPD in Bayern 1919-1945 Vorgeschichte, Verfolgung and Widerstand', in Broszat et al. (eds.). Bayern in der NS-Zeit, v. 74-6. 17 -

    E.g. Bay HStA: MA 106682, RP Schwaben/Neuburg, zz Mar. 1933.

    Bay HStA: MA 106670, RP Oberbayern, 20 Mar. 1933.

    " Hartmut Mehringer, 'Die bayerische Sozialdemokratie bis zum Ende des NS-Regimes: Vorgeschichte, Verfolgung and Widerstand', in Broszat et al. (eds.). Bayern in der NS-Zeit, v. 348-9.

    70 For the early accommodation of the churches see Klaus Scholder, Die Kirchen and das Dritte Reich, i. (Frankfurt, 1977), 277ff.; Ernst Christian Helmreich, The German Churches under Hitler: Background, Struggle, and Epilogue (Detroit, 1979), 121 ff.

    71 Aronson, I 21-2.

    74 Ibid. 117; 2,000 BVP persons is the figure mentioned in a report from Heydrich.

    Aronson, 117.

    iz Report of the action in Bay HStA: MA1o6410.

    7 3 Aronson, 122.

    77 See Lawrence D. Stokes, 'Zur

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