The Gestapo and German Society: Enforcing Racial Policy 1933-1945
Trends in Research on German Society and the "Jewish Question"', Yad Vashem Studies, 16 (1984).

    37 Barrington Moore, jun., Injustice: The Social Bases of Obedience and Revolt (White Plains, NY, 1978), 482.

    i William Sheridan Allen, The Nazi Seizure of Power: The Experience of a Single German Town 1922-1945• rev. edn. (New York, 1984), 189.

    Ibid. 157.

    Richard Bessel, Political Violence and the Rise of Nazism: The Storm Troopers in Eastern Germany 1925-1934 (New Haven, 1984), 139; cf. P. 140.

    41 Hans Bernd Gisevius, To the Bitter End, trans. R. and C. Winstone (London, 1948), 101-2.

    42 Ibid. 105.

    " The article is in his Dreams and Delusions: The Drama of German History (New York, 1987) 169-170.

    "Michel Foucault, `The Subject and Power', in Hubert L. Dreyfus and Paul Rabinow, Michel Foucault: Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics, 2nd edn. (Chicago, 1983), 220.

    45 Ibid. 209.

    The Concise Oxford Dictionary, 7th edn. (Oxford, 1982). 319.

    I have discussed further issues in 'Enforcing Racial Policy in Nazi Germany'. a paper to be published in Thomas Childers and Jane Caplan (eds.), Re-Evaluating the 'Third Reich': Interpretations and Debates (New York: Holmes and Meier, forthcoming). Elton. 83ff., shows how a very broad notion of 'policy' was enforced earlier.

    ae Peukert, Volksgenossen, 221 ff.

    46 See Michel Foucault, Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison, trans. A. Sheridan (New York, 1979), 293ff. For an analysis of the rise of the police see his'Politics and Reason' in Michel Foucault: Politics, Philosophy, Culture. Interviews and Other Writings 1977-1984, ed. Lawrence D. Kritzman (New York, 1988), 58ff. Still useful is Georg Rusche and Otto Kirchheimer, Punishment and Social Structure (1939: New York, 1968), 177ff.

    51 See Jurgen Kocka's remarks at the meetings whose transactions are printed in Alltagsgeschichte der NS-Zeit: Neue Perspektive oder Trivialisierung? Kolloquien des Instituts fur Zeitgeschichte (Munich, 1984), 53-4. Cf. Michael H. Kater, 'Begrifflichkeit and Historie: 'Alltag', 'Neokonservatismus' and 'Judenfrage' als Themen einer NS-bezogenen Sozialgeschichtsschreibung', Arch iv fur Sozialgeschichte, 23 (1983), 688-705, and his 'Nazism and the Third Reich in Recent Historiography', Canadian Journal of History, 20 (1985), 85ff. See the special issue of the New German Critique. 44 (Spring-Summer 1988) on the Historikerstreit, especially the article by Mary Nolan, 'The Historikerstreit and Social History', pp. 51-80: she is critical of approaches that emphasize the role of 'indifference or even opposition to the regime's racial policies' as decisive factors in the persecution of the Jews because of the tendency to 'ignore the pervasiveness of complicity' (p. 80). She is also right to insist that alternative approaches, such as the one adopted in this book, by no means represent 'a return to crude theories of collective guilt. Rather, they offer a way to link normality and terror, supporter/resister and victim, everyday life and Auschwitz.' I explore these issues in a paper entitled "'A Monstrous Uneasiness": Citizen Participation and Persecution of the Jews in Nazi Germany' for a conference on 'Lessons and Legacies: The Meaning of the Holocaust in a Changing World' at Northwestern University, November 1989. The transactions, edited by Peter Hayes, are to be published.

    51 Reinhard Mann, Protest and Kontrolle im Dritten Reich: Nationalsozialistische Herrschaft im Alltag einer rheinischen Grofistadt (Frankfurt, 1987). Additional Gestapo case-files exist in the State Archive (LA Speyer) but cannot at present be used as they are unsorted. I understand that some case-files also survived for Stettin (Szczecin), and are presumably located in Poland.

    52 For an analysis of recent writing on the terror system see my 'Terror System, Racial Persecution and Resistance in Nazi Germany: Remarks on the Historiography', to be published in a special issue of German Studies Review (forthcoming).


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