The Gestapo and German Society: Enforcing Racial Policy 1933-1945
See the remarks of Michel Foucault, 'Nietzsche, Genealogy, History', in Paul Rabinow (ed.), The Foucault Reader (New York, 1984), 831f•

    Z Buchheim, i 16.

    ' See Runderlal3 des Preul3. Ministers des Innern vom 26.4.1933, given in full in Martin Hirsch, Diemut Majer, and Jurgen Meinck (eds.), Recht, Verwaltung and Justiz im Nationalsozialismus: Ausgewahite Schriften, Gesetze and Gerichtsentscheidungen von 1933 bis 1945 (Cologne, 1984), 326.

    Bracher, Die deutsche Diktatur, 2o9ff.

    8 Foucault, 'Subject and Power'. 219. In 1884 a French writer noted with irony that 'the citizen is free to do whatever he likes, but under police supervision': I. Guyot. La Police (Paris, 1884). quoted in Tom Bowden. Beyond the Limits of the Law (Harmondsworth. 1978), 138.

    Broszat, Der Staat Hitlers, 426.

    Foucault, Discipline and Punish, 218, 273.

    Ibid. 280.

    ' David H. Bayley, 'The Police and Political Development in Europe', in Charles Tilly (ed.), The Formation of National States in Western Europe (Princeton, 5975), 378. For a different emphasis see Clive Emsley. Policing and its Context 1750-5870 (London, 5983), 562.

    Charles Tilly, The Contentious French: Four Centuries of Popular Struggle (Cambridge, Mass., 1986), 289.

    See the contrasts summarized in Bayley, 341.

    2 Mack Walker, German Home Towns: Community, State, and General Estate 1648-1871 (Ithaca, 1971), 45-6. Reinhard Koselleck, Preul3en zwischen Reform and Revolution (Stuttgart, 1975), 462, claims that in Prussia after 1815 'effective police control of everyday life' did not exist, for there were too few in the police. In the face of rising population, social unrest, poverty, and so on, demands were made for increases but these were rejected by the ministry.

    " Walker, 38 5.

    " Wolfram Siemann. 'Deutschlands Ruhe, Sicherheit and Ordnung': Die Anfdnge der politischen Polizei z8o6-i866 (Tubingen, x985). 254ff.

    " Ibid. 429-30. See also Hermann Reiter, Die Revolution von 1848/49 in Altbayern: lhre sozialen and mentalen Voraussetzungen and ihr Verlauf (Munich, 198;). 5ff.

    17 For background to the professionalization of the political police in each German state see Siemann. 41 ff. For remarks on the poor quality of police in Germany before 1848 see Richard Tilly in Charles, Louse, and Richard Tilly, The Rebellious Century 1830-19;o (Cambridge, Mass., 1975). 218ff.

    Ibid. 429.

    " For examples of the extensiveness of the political police see Robert Gellately, The Politics of Economic Despair: Shopkeepers and German Politics, i89o-1914 (London, 1974), and Dirk Steg- mann, Die Erben Bismarcks: Parteien and Verbdnde in der Spdtphase des Wilhelminishen Deutschlands (Cologne, 1970).

    '9 See Heinrich Hannover and Elisabeth Hannover-Dri ck, Politische Justiz 1918-1933 (Bornheim-Merten, 1987), 21ff.

    21 Hsi-Huey Liang, The Berlin Police Force in the Weimar Republic (Berkeley, 1970), 6. For an introduction to Bavaria see Johannes Schwarze, Die bayerische Polizei and ihre historische Funktion bei der Aufrechterhaltung der offentlichen Sicherheit in Bayern von 1919-1933 (Munich, 1977), 16 ff.

    21 See Hans Mommsen,`The Reichstag Fire and its Political Consequences', in Hajo Holborn (ed.), Republic to Reich: The Making of the Nazi Revolution (New York, 1973), 185.

    22 For Prussia see Christoph Graf, Politische Polizei zwischen Demokratie and Diktatur (Berlin, 1983), 5ff.; for Bavaria see Shlomo Aronson, Reinhard Heydrich and die Fruhgeschichte von Gestapo and SD (Stuttgart, 1971), 94ff.

    zs Ibid. 199: see also Karl Dietrich Bracher, 'Stufen der Machtergreifung', in Karl Dietrich Bracher, Wolfgang Sauer, and Gerhard Schulz, Die Nationalsozialistische Machtergreifung: Studien zur Errichtung des totalitaren Herrschaftssystems in Deutschland 1933/34 (Cologne, 1962), 82-8.

    27 Ibid. On the popularity of anti-Communism see Timothy W. Mason, 'The Third Reich and the German Left: Persecution and Resistance', in Hedley Bull (ed.), The Challenge of the Third Reich (Oxford, 1986),

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