Fixed up in February (Spring River Valley Book 2)

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Book: Fixed up in February (Spring River Valley Book 2) by Clarice Wynter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Clarice Wynter
What’s wrong with that picture?”
    “She told me John was perfect for me. How will I know for sure if I never go out with him?”
    “He’s obviously not perfect for you because Max is.”
    “Max is far, far from perfect.”
    “Let’s talk about his abs again, shall we?”
    “Okay, he’s ripped, but so what?”
    “And he melted your brain with that kiss, am I right?”
    Audrey crossed her arms and sat back. “You’re missing the point.”
    “I’m so not.”
    “I don’t want a guy who leaves me unbalanced all the time. That’s not what I’m looking for.”
    Harper sipped her tea. “Too bad. Looks like that’s what you found. Look, there’s a lot to be said for being swept off your feet.”
    “Talk to me about you and Grant. Do you argue constantly? Does every other thing out of his mouth make you want to scream?”
    Harper’s knowing grin widened. “We’re sleeping together. That cuts the tension pretty well.”
    “So if I jump into bed with Max, he won’t be so irritating?”
    “Now she gets it.”
    “I’m sorry. I don’t buy that. You and Grant don’t fight because you’re in love and he’s a nice guy, and he probably cares about what you think and doesn’t deliberately say things to make you angry.”
    “Max obviously wants to get a rise out of you, and if he can’t do it in the bedroom, he’ll try some other way.”
    “That’s so childish.”
    “He’s a guy.”
    “I’m sorry, it’s just not going to work. You know me. I’m high-strung. I admit that. I need a down-to-earth guy who can keep me calm, not one who makes the top of my head pop off on a regular basis.”
    Harper took the last bite of her sandwich. “I think you’ve seen exactly what you want, and it scares the hell out of you. Don’t go out with John. It’ll ruin everything with Max, and you’ll regret it.”
    “There’s nothing ‘with’ Max to ruin.”
    Harper shrugged. “Maybe you’re right, but I hope it doesn’t turn out to be one of those things you only realize after it’s too late to fix it.”
    * * * *
    Harper’s words echoed in Audrey’s brain throughout her shift at the hospital, but she refused to indulge in what-ifs. She didn’t want to spend her life as a quivering mess, aching for the touch of a guy who, in the space of a single sentence, could ruin her mood for an entire day. That wasn’t love. Love? It wasn’t even like. It might be infatuation, which was exactly what she didn’t want.
    Exhausted, she dragged herself up the stairs to her apartment, ignoring the twinge in her ankle. The cold weather wasn’t helping the sprain heal, so she was looking forward to a long soak in a hot tub. “I thought I brought this in,” she muttered, bending to scoop up the snow-covered plastic bag containing the newspaper.
    She tucked the paper under her arm and jiggled her key into the lock. Once inside, she turned to toss the paper onto the couch for reading later after she took her bath, but the headline, visible through the clear plastic, caught her attention immediately.
    Local Hero Begs Gorgeous Nurse for Second Chance.
    Audrey squinted and looked around. Had she read that right?
    She grabbed the bag and slid the paper out of it. The front page contained the outrageous headline, plus a huge photo of Max holding a bouquet of flowers. The article under the picture was by Chad Marchand, and it read: “Photographer Max Shannon met a girl two weeks ago who shook the very foundation of his world. Unfortunately she won’t go out with him again because she thinks he’s a smart-ass and an axe murderer. So he asked his new friend, Herald reporter Chad Marchand to make a mock-up front page for him in which he declares his devotion and determination to put a smile on the face of the incomparably lovely Audrey Desmond.”
    The next line read: “Call me.”
    The rest of the article was gibberish, at least Audrey thought it was, but she couldn’t be sure. With her heart racing and her eyes a

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