Spellbound Fireflies

Free Spellbound Fireflies by bats

Book: Spellbound Fireflies by bats Read Free Book Online
Authors: bats
found the answer for long-division.  We can find similar things for other types of math.  And we can work on your reading and spelling too.”
    Scootaloo practically vibrated in her seat.  “This is awesome!”
    “Now, Scootaloo…”  Her smile faded a little as she set her hoof on her student’s shoulder.  “I think we can find ways for you to work around a lot of the math.  You’re good at it and all you needed was a way to break things up into easier to read chunks.  But it’s not going to be the same for reading and writing.”  She looked the filly over carefully, her smile hiding a hint of sadness.  “Some of this will be a struggle and it’ll probably always be difficult.  But we’ll figure out ways for it to be less difficult than it is right now.”
    Scootaloo nodded vaguely, the victory over division still fresh and strong in her mind.  A notion struck her and she slowly frowned and sighed, glancing at the finished worksheets.  “…How come I’m just finding out now?  I wish I knew that trick months ago.”
    Twilight shrugged, turning her head to hide the scowl that dug its way across her face.  “…Sometimes ponies miss stuff like this.  What’s important is that we know now.”  She turned back and grinned, ruffling Scootaloo’s mane again.  “We know now and we can work on it together.  Deal?”
    Returning the grin, Scootaloo nodded.  “Deal.”

    Twilight wriggled under the sheets in the dark room, attempting and failing to get comfortable.  Whichever side she rolled towards proved to be the wrong one and she frequently found herself on her back, staring at the ceiling and muttering.  She mulled over the day, second-guessing the words she’d used with Scootaloo on an endless loop.  Just before giving up and retrieving a book, a swoosh of disturbed air rushed from higher in the tree.
    The soft rustling of beating wings filled the room as Rainbow Dash descended from the window, settling gently on the bed.  She smiled at her wide-awake marefriend.  “Hey, babe.”
    Twilight returned the smile, sitting up.  “Hey.  Wasn’t sure I’d see you today.”
    “Figured I’d stop by.”  She sat on her haunches, shaking out the flight from her wings.  “Hopin’ there’s room for one more.”
    “Always.”  She yawned and stretched out her back, her hooves arching over her head.
    Rainbow darted under the covers and snaked her forelegs around the unicorn’s middle mid-stretch.  “Gotcha.”
    Dropping a leg around the mare’s shoulders and resting her head against Rainbow, Twilight murmured, “Eep.”  She nuzzled Rainbow’s cheek.  “Rainbow’s caught me.  What’m I gonna do now?”
    “Be trapped,” Rainbow deadpanned, “Maybe scream a little.”  She brushed a wing along Twilight’s sides, drawing a short fit of laughter from her captive.  Giggling and kicking her hindlegs, Twilight turned and blew a raspberry into Rainbow’s neck.  They rolled back onto the bed, laughing together and tangled up in each other’s hooves.  Twilight rested her head on Rainbow’s chest and snuggled into the pegasus, sighing in contentment.  Chuckles subsiding, Rainbow stroked her marefriend’s mane and asked, “So how was your day?”
    “Mmm, alright.  Usual library stuff mostly.  I, uh…I did find out why Scootaloo’s been struggling in school, though.”
    Twilight frowned, nuzzling deeper into the warm, soft hairs of Rainbow Dash’s coat.  “She had undiagnosed dyslexia.”
    “Huh.”  Rainbow chewed her lip, mulling the information over.  “Don’t they usually check for that or whatever?”
    “Not really.  I mean, if a student’s struggling a lot they might, but Scootaloo’s smart enough it was mostly hidden, I think.  It’s only now starting to be a problem because she couldn’t get her math work to come out correctly…”  Twilight sighed heavily, her voice trailing

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