Heaven's Hell [Brac Pack 13]

Free Heaven's Hell [Brac Pack 13] by Lynn Hagen

Book: Heaven's Hell [Brac Pack 13] by Lynn Hagen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynn Hagen
Tags: Inc., Siren-BookStrand
    Heaven’s eyes followed white lab coat man as he crossed the room and looked through the microscope. Hank just stood there looking bored.
    “Very good. He was worth the headache of capturing him.” Heaven was dumbfounded at the white lab coat man’s words.
    They had targeted him? Why?
    “Yes, he was. Now all we have to do is find a donor.” Dr.
    Rawling clapped his hands together with glee.
    Donor? If they were checking his blood for wolf components, then what did a donor have to do with it? A donor for what? Heaven cursed at the blank memory of anything other than who he was and his genetic makeup. Why couldn’t he remember?
    He closed his eyes. Fatigue wore at him with all the events taking place and the internal struggle to grab hold of anything in his mind to help him figure out what was going on.
    Heaven curled up into a ball, his back to the wall of the cage as he listened to the noises around him. He could feel the guard watching him. He could hear the humans chattering away quietly and the hum 64
    Lynn Hagen
    of the machines. The pain was slowly lessening, and his body was weary. Giving in, Heaven fell asleep.

    Heaven’s Hell

    Chapter Seven

    He jerked awake at the scent of shifters. Heaven looked around but saw nothing. His eyes scanned the room. Dr. Rawling remained at the desk he was working at, a night-light on his desk as he looked through files.
    Hank was dozing in a chair close to the door. His chin dropped to his chest then lifted abruptly as he raised his head and looked around, only to let his chin fall back down again.
    Heaven knew he scented a shifter. Their smell was unique. But it was more than one. From their scent in the air, he would say three. He looked back over to the man behind the desk, the guy oblivious to anything but what he was reading. Another look over to the guard told Heaven he was fast asleep.
    Didn’t they use other guards besides Hank? It would be exhausting to be on duty twenty-four-seven.
    Heaven’s eyes glanced up when he saw movement in the heating vent. It was large enough to house a body or three. The grated frame moved an inch away from the wall, slowly coming open. He glanced quickly at the doctor to see him still staring down at the papers then he stole another glance at the snoring guard.
    Heaven almost gasped as a face emerged, an index finger going to lips to indicate the shifter wanted Heaven to be silent. Like he was going to let his buddies in the lab know visitors had arrived. Not likely.
    A full body emerged then stepped down to free himself as another began to come out. Heaven scooted close to his cage door, praying this worked, whatever they were planning, and he would be free.

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    The first man, who had a bandana on his head, crept over to Hank, snapping the guard’s neck in a millisecond. Too bad the bastard didn’t suffer. Heaven had a feeling that, if given the chance, Hank would have unleashed unparalleled pain on him. No sympathy was felt for the human with his part in this.
    The shifter with the bandana crept over to his cage, staring at the keypad. Heaven caught the whimper before it could sound. He wanted out. The other two shifters finally emerged and came to stand by the cage as well.
    “Can you get it open?” whispered the last one to make it out of the vent shaft.
    “I think so. Move back, pup.”
    Heaven scooted back even though every cell in his body fought against it. The urge to stay close to the door was strong. His eyes widened when the man with the bandana on his head reached down and pulled until the keypad groaned and snapped off.
    Just who the hell were these men? He had no choice but to trust them if he wanted his freedom, but that display of strength made him wary.
    “Come on, pup.” The bandana head man reached in for Heaven.
    He slid back to the door, unable to go any further.
    “I can’t. I’m too weak.” Heaven felt like crying. Freedom was so close.
    “I have you, pup.” The man with

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