The Unintended Fiancé (Captured by Love Book 4)
felt making himself come while thinking about her?
    A smile tugged his lips. If Erin was serious about what she’d just said a few minutes ago, then why not? They had a strong friendship that had developed over the years. She was fully aware of his disinterest in a relationship. She knew the score, and she was clear on what she herself wanted.
    So, yeah, why the hell not?
    He sighed, glancing at his door. He was still horny from seeing her in that ultra-sexy lingerie. Damn. That piece of clothing did nothing to hide her perky breasts and skimpy underwear. Fuck. Now he was even harder.
    “Go to the gym, then go to work, Brad,” he ordered, but he knew his day would be spent looking forward to tonight.
    Oh, plus he needed to swing by his parents’ on his way home later to pick up his mother’s engagement ring.
    “ Is this good enough?”
    “What do you mean?” Brad asked his mother as she handed him her ring.
    “Well, I love it and it’s beautiful, but the diamond is slightly less than a carat. Of course, when your father bought it years ago, it was all he could afford, so I wouldn’t exchange it for the world. But if you were to buy one for a real fiancée, I would assume you’d be giving her something bigger, wouldn’t you?”
    Brad stared critically at the ring. His mother was right. It was much smaller than what people would expect him to get his fiancée. If this ring was to show James Coyte and Warren Oliver that he was truly engaged, they’d laugh at his show of love for the woman he wanted to marry. He bet Valerie’s ring was, at the very least, three times the size of this.
    “You’re right, Mum. This wouldn’t do. The people who need to believe I’m engaged would think I’m low on cash.”
    “You can buy a much bigger one, then resell it later on when you don’t need it anymore,” Vivian said.
    “Okay. I don’t think I have any other choice.”
    “I’m worried about this situation you find yourself in, Brad. Why is this happening? Why is someone wanting to destroy your reputation and business?”
    “Just a competitor keen to win at all costs. I’ll find a way to out him one day.”
    “And Erin’s okay with all this? You’re not forcing her into anything?”
    He smiled. “No.”
    Vivian grabbed his arm and led him to the couch. “I want to tell you something.”
    “I hope Erin wouldn’t mind me telling you this, but I think you should know.” Vivian paused, sighing hard. “When she was around nineteen or so, she had a thing for you.”
    “I know,” he said with a laugh. “She told me.”
    “She did?”
    “Yeah. She’s over that. Apparently, my inability to commit to anyone has put her off me permanently. You don’t have to worry about us.”
    “She was so distraught back then,” Vivian said, pursing her lips. “You started going out with that singer, and there she was, crying in your sister’s bedroom, telling me how much she loved you and asking why you never noticed her.”
    Brad’s eyebrows rose. Erin had said she loved him? She’d used the word “crush” earlier on when they’d been talking.
    Meh, she was just a teenager then. It could only have been some deep infatuation. Besides, she’d sworn this morning she didn’t have anything for him emotionally anymore, apart from friendship and wanting his body. He believed her.
    “Just be careful about leading her on, okay?”
    “Don’t worry, Mum. And I better get a new ring before the shops close,” he said, checking his watch. “Except that I have no idea where to go.”
    “Why don’t you ask your brother-in-law? That ring he gave Lexie was beautiful.”
    “I guess,” he said, pulling out his phone.
    “Hey, bro,” Rick answered.
    “Hey. Need your help.”
    “Where did you get Lexie’s engagement ring?”
    “Why?” Rick asked suspiciously.
    “I need one for my fake engagement with Erin.”
    “I thought you were borrowing your mum’s.”
    “It’s too small.

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