Love Reflection (Entwined Hearts #1)

Free Love Reflection (Entwined Hearts #1) by Maria Macdonald

Book: Love Reflection (Entwined Hearts #1) by Maria Macdonald Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maria Macdonald
but after everything that had happened I was scared. It had, by this point, been a little over eight weeks since I found out I was pregnant and about eleven weeks since I found him in bed with THAT woman. I’d just had my scan which showed that not only was I around fourteen weeks pregnant, but I was also carrying twins. I realised I needed to tell him. He had a right to know, and that I needed to hear what had happened. However painful that was going to be, so I could sort out my head and try to move forward. Maybe even together.” I took a steadying breath, trying to process everything I’d just told him. More than I’d shared with anyone. Releasing all this to someone else was helping somewhat.
    “So why the fuck haven’t you spoken to him?” I could hear the disappointment and anger inflection in his voice.
    “Because two days later, I lost them.” I felt a tear slip down my cheek.
    “Oh babe,” Saul replied and crushed me to him in a hug, squeezing me for all he was worth. “Just to say, just to clear it up, that woman that was in Con’s bed. Total misunderstanding.” I started sobbing at this point, letting it all flow freely, but I couldn’t say anything.
    “She was a lesbian.” I jerked in Saul’s arms. “She was partying as were we all. Con went to bed around 2:00 a.m. I remember because we were chatting in the kitchen about Soph’s hook up, and he said he was hitting the sack. I was going to give him shit about it, but then I looked to the time and was shocked at how late it was.”
    He took a breath and looked down at me. “Kate… that was the woman’s name. She was still up partying until around 4:00 a.m., I know that because she was arguing with her girlfriend, Jodie, who stormed out, and I was worried about the police turning up with all the commotion.” He wiped a tear away from my cheek. “Anyway, Kate disappeared. I didn’t know who it was in his bed that morning when you were there, I couldn’t see, not until you’d already left and I was about to kick Con’s arse.” At this, I looked up at him and gave him a small smile. We both knew he’d never be able to kick Con’s arse. Con’s been kickboxing since I could remember, and although Saul does train with him, he’d never been at the same level.
    Saul looked at me with a playful scowl. “Hey, it could happen! Especially when I’m as angry as I was that morning.”
    I smiled wide and felt blessed that I had people who loved me so fiercely.
    “Anyway Con was pissed himself. At first thinking someone was trying to split you two up again, but Kate hadn’t even realised he was in the bed. It was pitch black when she went in there, and to be fair I think she was drunk anyway, so I doubt she would’ve even realised. Her girlfriend, Jodie, turned up about forty-five minutes later and they rode off into the sunset, literally, Jodie has a Harley,” he snickered at me and I rolled my eyes.
    I knew that Con didn’t hurt me. He didn’t let me down, but I let him down, firstly by leaving even though I hadn’t given him the chance to explain, which if the roles were reversed would’ve shattered me and then more importantly, by not keeping his babies safe. I closed my eyes and felt, empty, nothing. I was void of all feeling.
    Saul wrapped his love around me and held me tight. I had to believe things would get better. I had to believe I could rebuild my life.
    Blinking away the past, I glance over at Soph, wondering if I should’ve told her everything all those years ago. Then I remember how my problems ultimately lead to Saul being where he is today, and decide I did the right thing not telling her. I still feel guilt though, for both her and Con… for not being honest, and I know, at least for the past few months, my closed off attitude on things has put a wedge in our friendships. I just hope we can sort through it.
    For tonight though, I’m going to make a point of eating, drinking and laughing with Soph. She seems to

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