Grace Unplugged: A Novel

Free Grace Unplugged: A Novel by Melody Carlson

Book: Grace Unplugged: A Novel by Melody Carlson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melody Carlson
Tags: Christian fiction
It’s hard to explain, but you’ll figure it all out in time. This is how business is done in this town.” He sipped his coffee. “So tell me about yourself and your music, Grace.”
    Grace was still stuck on the fact that Mossy did not work for Sapphire. Hadn’t he told her he did? Or was she just that naïve and inexperienced that she’d misunderstood. Whatever the case, she would have to sort it out later. “Well, I grew up loving music. I’ve been playing piano and guitar practically since I can remember.”
    “You said you’ve written songs?” he questioned.
    She just nodded, uncertain of how to answer. And she almost wished she hadn’t lied about that. But when he’d offered her this big opportunity, how could she possibly admit that she was a flop as a songwriter? Besides that was then; this was now. Surely she could pop out a song with so much at stake, especially if she really put her whole self into it.
    “They’re not religious, right?” he pressed.
    “No. Like I said, I write, and, I mean, I think my songs are really good, but . . . the more I think about it, I’m not totally sure they’re ready to record yet.”
    “That’s all right. You’ll have time to work on them. I’ll push for an album, but I doubt we’ll get it right away.”
    She tried to relax again, but that bit about songwriting had left her feeling nervous. What if Mossy knew what a fraud she was? Would he send her packing?
    “So, who’s your favorite singer?” he asked as the waitress set the bill on the table.
    “Probably Renae Taylor.”
    He made a thoughtful nod. “Yeah. I see some Renae in you. We play it right, maybe you’ll open for her.”
    “No way.” Grace felt a mixture of angst and hope.
    His dark eyes twinkled. “Why not? Then one day maybe she’ll open for you.”
    She tried not to look as thrilled as she felt to hear this. Did he really believe that? Or was he just stringing her along?
    “You keep working on your songs,” he said. “But step one is just a daughter singing her dad’s hit, anywhere and everywhere. That I can sell. Any questions?”
    She shook her head no, but the part about working on her songs threw her. What songs? What if she couldn’t get a song out? Still she was determined not to worry about that yet. For now she just wanted to enjoy this ride, her ride to stardom.

Chapter 8
    M ossy’s assistant had promised Grace that she’d have a place to live in LA. But when Mossy drove her into a less than glamorous neighborhood, Grace tried not to show her disappointment. Like he’d said, and she’d agreed, she needed to work her way into this business. No one was handing her anything. Besides that, she was finally going to be on her own—no parents breathing down her neck, studying her every move, criticizing her music. This was her ticket to freedom!
    “So, uh, this is it,” Mossy said as he stopped in front of a door on the third floor and handed her the key. “You think you’ll be okay?”
    “Sure.” She turned the key and opened the door, walking into a small furnished apartment. “This is mine?”
    “Yeah, just for now.” Mossy sounded uncertain.
    “For now? ”
    “It’s all about delivering, Grace. Things go well, you’ll buy a house in Malibu.”
    She smiled as she looked around. Sure, it wasn’t the fabulous apartment she’d imagined, but it was hers. The little kitchen and living room were hers. The bedroom, which was smaller than her bedroom at home, was hers. She peeked out the window and was surprised to see a church across the street. Her eyes locked onto the cross for a moment, and then she pulled the drapes closed. Turning back to Mossy, she could see that he was uneasy about something.
    “So, what do you think?” he asked in a worried tone.
    “I love it,” she proclaimed. “Thank you.”
    Now he looked relieved. “Okay, kid. I’ll leave you to it. My assistant put some food in the kitchen. And a few things she thought you might need since you

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