Grace Unplugged: A Novel

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Book: Grace Unplugged: A Novel by Melody Carlson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melody Carlson
Tags: Christian fiction

    “Like this! I mean are you even gonna call your parents?”
    Grace couldn’t believe it—why was Rachel acting like this? Was she eighteen or eight? “Are you crazy? I call my parents, and Dad gives me the biggest lecture of my life. Why do you think I wanted outta there? Dad has to see that I can make it on my own.”
    “And that will make everything okay, right?” Rachel’s tone dripped with skepticism.
    “Look,” Grace said slowly. “I left a note. All right? They know where I am.”
    “Not really. I mean your mom sounded really upset. Just let them hear your voice. Let them know you’re okay.”
    “If it’s so important to you, why don’t you let them know?”
    “I’m not their daughter, Grace. You are.”
    “You know, Rach, I thought that you of all people would understand. I mean, I even had this crazy idea that you’d actually be happy for me.”
    “I am, I guess.”
    “You guess ?”
    “You know what I mean.”
    “Yeah. I think I do. You know what else I think?” Grace’s grip tightened on her phone. “I think you should move in with my parents and be the perfect daughter they always wanted.”
    There was a long, silent pause now. Grace wondered if Rachel had hung up.
    “Why are you acting like this?” Rachel finally asked in a hurt tone.
    Grace felt guilty now. Why did she want to hurt Rachel like that? “Look, tell them I’m all right if you want to, okay ? I gotta go.”

    As he ripped the suitcase down from the top of the closet, Johnny knew what he had to do. He tossed the case onto the bed, zipped it open, and began throwing clothes in.
    “What are you doing?” Michelle demanded when she walked into the hurricane of clothes that were flying around, some landing in the suitcase, most missing it.
    “What does it look like I’m doing?” He tossed a pair of jeans toward the case.
    She picked up a T-shirt and proceeded to fold it neatly. Clearing the messy pile on the suitcase, she laid it flat and started to fold another. “You honestly think she’ll listen to you, Johnny?”
    “I’m not going there to talk.” He tossed some socks onto the bed.
    “What? Are you going to drag her back home? Kicking and screaming on the flight?”
    “Maybe,” he growled as he tossed several pairs of boxers her direction.
    “Johnny, think about what you’re doing!”
    He came over and started shoving his clothes into the suitcase, trying to make it all fit, which was just not happening. “I don’t get you!” He stood up straight and shook his fist in the air. “You like what she’s done? You approve?”
    “Of course not! But she’s eighteen! And maybe if you hadn’t been so hard on her, maybe none of this would’ve happened!”
    Johnny just glared at her now. How could she say that? Taking Grace’s side in this? Blaming him for Grace’s rebellion? Did she blame him for Mossy’s betrayal as well? Luring her out there? Like all this was his fault? He picked up the mess of a suitcase and heaved it across the room where it hit the wall with a dull thud, then slid onto the ground in a heap of clothes. And now, it figured, Michelle was crying. Well, fine, let her cry. Maybe she would feel better when she was done. In the meantime he had other things to do.
    He went down to his study and picked up his phone. He’d already called Mossy a dozen times and left as many angry messages. This time he planned to threaten Mossy with a lawsuit. Even if he didn’t have a legal leg to stand on, he might be able to put the fear of God into him. But to his surprise Mossy answered.
    “It’s about time you picked up,” Johnny snapped at him. “I’ve just about had it with you and—”
    “Hey, Johnny,” Moss said smooth as silk. “What’s up, man?”
    Johnny took a deep breath. If he wanted Mossy’s cooperation, he would have to handle this differently. “I think you know what’s up,” Johnny said carefully.
    “Sorry I’ve missed your calls,” Mossy told him. “It’s been busy

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