Government Zero: No Borders, No Language, No Culture
Just like the feminists, they’d rather attack everything good about America than stand with Americans against the monsters who’d persecute or kill them if they had the chance.
    Anyone with an IQ above 90 knows that we have worse than a quisling in the White House. Some might say he’s a fellow traveler. I don’t agree with that at all. I don’t believe he’s a sympathizer with Islamic terrorism. I think he’s an ostrich who puts his head in the sand. He sees what is actually happening and wants to say it’s not happening. How else can you explain his refusal to recognize ISIS as Islamic terrorism?
    I know. He doesn’t want to ignite a war against all of Islam. That’s what his spokesgirls tell us. His supporters say the academics running America are afraid to ignite a religious war.
    I have news for them. The Jordanian king says this is already WWIII. 5 The religious war already started a thousand years ago. The Muslims started it when they began wars of conquest to establish their world caliphate. The religious war is simply reaching a higher temperature because there is no effective opposition.
    Don’t forget that Obama caused the rise of ISIS. He was warned by the military not to remove all American troops from Iraq, was he not? Was he not told to keep a force of onehundred thousand there to prevent this from happening? And what did he do?
    He gave them the middle finger. He said, “Screw you. I know more than you. I am Obama the Great. I know everything. I know better than doctors about medical care. I know better than the military about the military. I know everything about climate. I’m an expert at everything.” So, he pulled all American troops out of Iraq and created a vacuum.
    The Iraqi Army fled and left our Abrams tanks and other heavy weapons in the Islamic State’s hands. The Iraqi soldiers have probably joined ISIS by now, since they know how to use the tanks. Thanks to the ostrich’s arrogance, we have Islamofascism on a blitzkrieg rampage throughout the Middle East.
    We have a vicious, pedantic, academic cadre running America. They are technocrats, without any emotion except hatred for their political enemies. They do not consider ISIS their political enemy. They don’t even care about ISIS. It’s nothing to them. They all think like a community organizer, who cares about nothing but fighting the domestic opposition party. There is no such thing as a foreign power to them. Their only foreign power is the Republican Party.
    I was lying on the rug with my dog, trying to find some comfort, when I saw the story about the Jordanian pilot. I started to play with my dog. He smiled and I said to him, “Teddy, you know, animals don’t do this to other animals.”
    The human animal is the most vicious animal on the planet. Now take a vicious animal and give him a religion to cloak himself in, and what you have is ISIS. It’s just like when Hitler brainwashed the German people to believe in National Socialism, or Nazism. This is what’s going on now. Man’s inhumanity to man.
    As a little kid, six years old, I would watch movies with my father up in the mountains, during the summer. They’d bring movies into the casino for the kids. Imagine that. No TV, videos on phones, or Xbox.
    There was a movie I loved called
Bring ’Em Back Alive
, with Frank Buck. He would go into the jungles of Africa with his pith helmet and bring back animals for the zoos. When I would see a tiger that looked ferocious to me, or a lion, my father would say, “Well, they’re not really vicious. They just hunt.” He said, “Man is a more vicious animal than any animal on Earth.” As a little boy, I didn’t quite understand what he meant.
    Do you understand what he meant now? My father, now deceased, told me man is more vicious than any animal on Earth. “Only man kills for pleasure. Only man kills for sport. And some men kill for religion,” he said. He was right.
    We’re not supposed to acknowledge that today.

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