A second chance: Sequel of Against all odds

Free A second chance: Sequel of Against all odds by Alexia Vella Deguara

Book: A second chance: Sequel of Against all odds by Alexia Vella Deguara Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alexia Vella Deguara
only love one woman in my life and forever,” I said
raising my head to look at her. My eyes gazed deeply in her eyes. I
wanted her to understand; no one could take Cassidy's place.
    “ She
must be a very lucky woman then,”she said sadly.
    “ Claire,
I hope we can forget this as I don't wish to make you change class,”I
said in a warning tone.
    “ What?
Oh no please.”
    “ Then
just please treat me as a teacher OK?”
    “ OK
Sir, I'm really sorry.”
    “ OK.
You can go now,” I said while I began to pack to leave. While I
walked in the corridor to reach the exit, I thought about this girl.
How a girl her age thought and acted, and I thought about the
18-year-old Cassidy who was very similar to her. The 18-year-old who
had to decide between two men, becoming a mum and marry at such a
young age. Maybe Cassidy was too young I thought. Maybe she wasn't
ready to choose. I went for Kylie at school and drove home to pick
Angela. We arrived at the hospital a half an hour later. Kylie seemed
very anxious; she kept my hand in hers, squeezing it. I looked at her
and smiled. I knew she was afraid although she hadn't said anything.
When we arrived Nurse Mandy greeted us...
    “ Oh
Hello, is this your daughter David?” She asked me with a smile
on her face.
    “ Yes.”
    “ Oh,
hello sweetheart, you must be Kylie, I heard so much about you.”
    My daughter smiled shyly at
    “ How
is my mum?” she asked then.
    “ Well,
she's still asleep, like sleeping beauty, but physically she's
healing. Come on inside so you can talk to her.”
    My daughter unexpectedly
 left my hand and followed Nurse Mandy. I looked astonished at
    “ She's
more courageous than you think David, and I think she wants to handle
this on her own, maybe it's better if we leave her alone for some
    I nodded and walked quietly
near the room to see what Kylie was doing. She had set down near her
mum and had grabbed her hand. She was talking to her and telling her
what she had done at school; she told her she got an A for her last
homework and that Bethany's father had a new girlfriend who Bethany
really hated. I smiled; she had a paper in her hand and was reading
from it. Then after a few minutes she stopped and climbed on her
mum's bed. I was going to enter to stop her, fearing she would crush
a wire or something but Angela stopped me. Kylie lay down near her
mum and hugged her and kissed her forehead.
    “ I
love you mummy; I'm sorry I had told you that I hated you. It wasn't
true; I was just angry because I love Daddy as well. All I ever
wanted mum, was that you loved him like I do. Mum wake up please, I
will never be a bad girl anymore, I will never tell you to leave
Tyler again to be with Dad. I promise. I'll be a good girl, and I'll
obey you. Please mum wake up. I love you so much.”
    I couldn't keep back my
tears. My heart ached. I felt awful. She stayed there, her head
laying next to Cassidy's and her little arms around her mum. I walked
a little far and hid my face. Angela came near me.
    “ Come
on David, you have to make courage.”
    “ I
can't. Not anymore. What can I do? I feel so useless, what can I do?”
I cried.
    “ There's
nothing we can do more. Just pray David.”
    I sat down and waited for
Kylie to come back. She stayed there for some more time and then
    “ I
feel better Dad. Now I least she knows that I love her,” she
said smiling.
    I hugged my little princess
and then went in Cassidy's room. We stayed there for around two
hours. Then we had to go. Kylie had to do her homework, and I had a
lot of work and grading to finish. I waited for Angela and Kylie to
finish and told them to wait outside for me. I closed the door and
went near Cassidy; I bended down and kissed her lips. They were so
cold. “I love you Cassidy.” I whispered then. “I
have to go honey. I'll be back tomorrow OK.” I caressed her
face and kissed her hand and then went out.
    “ OK
let's go.” I said.
    Kylie grabbed my hand,

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