A second chance: Sequel of Against all odds

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Book: A second chance: Sequel of Against all odds by Alexia Vella Deguara Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alexia Vella Deguara
we began to walk towards the exit. We had almost arrived at the
reception when I heard someone calling me...
    “ David!
David! Wait. Please Wait!!”
    I turned around and saw
Nurse Mandy running towards us with a strange expression on her face.
    My heart missed a beat. What
had happened?

    Cassidy's POV
    I opened my eyes, slowly.
They felt so heavy. I felt without strength; my sight was blurred, I
couldn't figure out the things I was seeing. I saw an image of a man
peering down at me. I closed and opened my eyes, seeing light then
darkness came again. I couldn't understand if I was conscious or not.
It was like a dream. I felt being moved; I felt some wires being
taken off from me. I could hear voices but didn't really understand
what they were saying. Little by little I felt better, and things
become clearer. The image was not blurred anymore, and I could figure
out that the person looking at me was a doctor. Oh.. I was in
hospital then. Why? What was happening? Why was I there? I had
something wrapped around my neck that I hated and which didn't let me
move. The doctor was  still looking at me; I tried to open my
mouth to say something. The doctor smiled and said “she's
awake." I heard other people coming in; one of them was a man, a
very handsome man who was crying. Why was he crying? Then the doctor
told everyone to get out.
    “ You
know your name?” he asked me.
    My name. Oh my God, what was
my name? I tried to think, to remember but I couldn't.
    “ No.”
I managed to say. My voice was strange, didn't seem mine.
    “ OK,
do you know how old are you? Or why you're here?” he asked me
again looking at me concerned.
    My answer was another no. I
tried to make some effort to remember, but my mind seemed blank. The
doctor told me to rest and that he would be back soon. He left me
alone. I continued to try to understand what was going on. How did I
get here? Why was I here? Who were I? My God, I couldn't remember
anything. It felt horrible; I was like a lost soul being thrown in a
different dimension. In a place where I didn't belong. A nurse kept
coming in and going out either to change my diaper or to check the IV
I had in my veins. How did I finish like this? I was like a baby
being taken care of.
    After some time I was taken
in a different ward where tests had been carried out. The doctor
looked concerned, but he said that everything will be OK. Then I was
taken back to the same room I was in before, again. Just at that
moment while I was being taken I saw that man again. He looked at me
from far; he seemed excited and worried at the same time. Who was he?
He was so handsome; his blue eyes were so intense and beautiful. The
most beautiful thing I had ever seen. Maybe I knew him, maybe he was
there for me. My stomach tightened and suddenly I felt happy at the
thought. I smiled, even though I had forgotten everything, my body
hadn't, my senses were still working fine. I hadn't forgotten that I
was a woman. The nurse took me in and then left again leaving me
    David's POV
    “ Why
aren't they telling us anything? She seems OK. She looked at me.
She's conscious. Oh my God, I can't believe it Angela. She woke up.”
I rejoiced.
    I was so happy. Kylie was
jumping up and down and asking me continually when she could go in
and see her.
    “ I
think they're doing some tests David, to check if everything is OK.”
Angela said.
    “ Yes
but it's two hours we've been here waiting without knowing what's
going on.” I grumbled.
    I couldn't describe how I
was feeling. I was happy, relieved, worried. I didn't know. She had
looked at me, of all the persons there were inside, her eyes have
locked briefly with mine and she had looked at me again while she was
being carried away in her room. Oh Cassidy, I can't wait to talk to
you. Just at that moment I saw the doctor coming.
    “ Doctor.”
I said going straight to him.
    “ Can
you follow me in my office, I have to speak to you Mr Bayne, and I
would like to

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