Luke: Armed and Dangerous

Free Luke: Armed and Dangerous by Cheyenne McCray

Book: Luke: Armed and Dangerous by Cheyenne McCray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cheyenne McCray
Tags: Romance
that she could flick her tongue against her nipple while
     she fingered herself.
    She closed her eyes, imagining it was Luke who licked her nipples. Luke rubbing his
     cock against her before sliding deep inside her. And how it would feel to have Luke
     driving into her. She could still feel that long hard length of his cock as he’d pressed
     up against her on the dance floor. Oh, God. He’d take her so deep and hard, rough and wild, and he’d make her scream.
    Trinity bit back a cry as her orgasm spiked through her, and her eyes flew open. Her
     hips rocked against her hand as she drew out her orgasm as long as she possibly could,
     enjoying every electrifying jolt.
    When she could catch her breath, she rolled over and switched off the Tiffany lamp
     and tried to relax on her pillow.
    She turned one way. Tossed the other. Kicked off her covers. Pulled them back up.
    Wasn’t happening.
    She’d never get to sleep with Luke constantly in her thoughts.
    Only a kiss, she told herself as she closed her eyes. It was only a kiss.
    That was a lie, wasn’t it?
    Trinity sighed.
    She might be a lot of things—confused, insecure, worried about her homecoming—but
     she wasn’t stupid.
    The way she’d enjoyed Luke Rider’s touch, it might not mean a thing about where she’d
     go with that cowboy, but it damn sure meant a lot about where she should go with Race.
    And where she shouldn’t.
    Trinity turned on her lamp again, and estimated the time in England.
    Not optimal, but then, it never would be, would it?
    She got up naked, feeling half out of her own body as she made her way to her purse
     and pulled out her cell phone.
    Her heart thudded as she realized what she was about to do. She was going to dump
     the man she’d been with for two years, a man she was close to being engaged to.
    For what? A kiss by a cowboy she might never see again?
    The thudding of her heart slowed and she was surprised at how calm she felt when she
     heard Race’s familiar, cultured voice answer on the other end of the line.
    Two years together, yet it only took a few minutes to tell him it was over between
    Race was far too much of a gentleman to pitch a fit over getting dumped, even suddenly,
     and long-distance instead of face-to-face.
    Trinity almost wished he would have made a little fuss, fought for her in some way—even
     threatened to fly straight to the States and talk sense into her. But of course, he
     didn’t, and that really summed up her problems with Race.
    He was hurt. Polite. And in the end, cool and distant. The man had absolutely no fire
     at all, at least not for her.
    By the time Trinity turned off her phone and slipped back into bed, she was positive
     she’d done the right thing. She knew she’d be able to sleep, maybe better than she
     had in months.
    Her hand moved back to the warm, damp place between her legs, and she closed her eyes.
    First, though—another fantasy.
    This time, without a drop of guilt...

Chapter 11
    After the party, Luke headed back to the Flying M Ranch, refusing to let himself consider
     that Trinity MacKenna was staying in the main house. She was practically close enough
     he could smell her, if he let himself go sniffing.
    Which he damned sure didn’t need to do.
    Luke bypassed the main house. He saw the strange Mustang convertible and knew the
     sweet little treasure was tucked somewhere inside the house. His pulse throbbed in
     a vein at his throat to know she must really be there as he made his way to the foreman’s
     cabin behind the bunkhouse. Shit. He had to get his mind on his job. For now.
    Out of habit ingrained from years of training, he made sure the building was secure
     before he let himself into the small cabin. He’d installed his own security locks
     on the front and back doors, as well as pull-down shades at the windows, and he always
     chose a different means of identifying if anyone had been in his quarters in his absence.
     Today the almost invisible threads had

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