A Touch Mortal
thought I’d have to revisit last night’s little show at least once to convince you that you hadn’t lost your mind.” She slowed her pace to match Eden’s, scooting over to make room so they could walk side by side. “The tenacity does earn you a point or two.”
    “Does it?” Eden’s voice was flat. She eyed the street warily. The neighborhood looked normal enough. Her muscles tensed as she debated making a run for it. Quiet neighborhood, no transportation. Sure, she could take off. But Kristen was right. Where would she go?
    They walked by the arched walkway of an estate, rose bushes climbing the trellis. Kristen snagged a bloom, caressed it as they walked.
    “I’d rather Gabriel and Az not be mentioned by name under my roof.” She ripped a petal free of the flower, casting it aside. “No one really knows much about the Siders. Gabriel’s trying to figure things out, but until then, it’s best his association with us is kept quiet. To answer your question, he had some loose ends to tie up. I’m sure he’ll be in contact soon.”
    “And so I just wait, no questions?” Eden sighed hard. “I wake up in some random house, I’m told all kinds of crazy, and now I’m supposed to what? Stay here?”
    Kristen stopped dead. “Let’s get something straight. With Az and Gabriel in your past, you’re nearly guaranteed to be trouble to anyone you come in contact with. Youwere damn lucky to have me take you in. No Sider wants the Fallen to come knocking on her door. You’re here to learn. Not to pontificate the cruelties of fate. Those you surround yourself with should fall into one of two categories. The used, or the amusing.” She gripped the rose high up on the stem, snapped off the bloom with her thumb. The break wasn’t clean. The head dangled, damaged beyond repair. “You’d be wise to pick a category, Eden, because anyone else is a burden.”
    “So which one is Gabe?”
    Kristen froze. A plastic grin swept her lips up. “Lesson two. Everyone has a weakness. Loyalty happens to be mine.” She let the flower fall, careful to step around it. “Tenacious and maybe even a bit clever. See! Our bonding is working! I like you a little more already.”
    Kristen dug into the cleavage of her dress and pulled out a dainty silver case. She snapped it open, palming a piece of paper before she offered Eden one of the clove cigarettes lining the inside. Even before Eden shook her head, Kristen had lit one for herself and tucked the case away.
    “Quite a pleasant surprise. When I found Az was with a mortal, I assumed he was just slumming.”
    Eden winced at his name, but Kristen didn’t seem to notice. “Slumming?”
    “The Fallen have their little digressions. Mortals are shiny to angels, but they don’t belong with them. Thosesilly girls never manage to sink their claws in for very long.” Kristen’s lips pressed together as if she realized she’d said too much.
    “It wasn’t like that with us.” Eden stared off down the street, searching for a question, anything to camouflage the empty heaviness every time she thought of him, heard his name.
    Kristen took a long drag and made a weak attempt at blowing a smoke ring. The circle wobbled and broke apart as it left her lips. “Sebastian doesn’t approve of me smoking. Says it sets a bad example. But it’s the one vice I could never quite shake.” For a girl who claimed knowledge was power, she sure seemed to be doling it out.
    Eden rolled her eyes. “It’s not like it’s gonna kill you. You’re dead. Or undead.” A guy across the street caught Eden’s eye. She watched him walk, tuning Kristen out.
    Eden couldn’t take her eyes off the guy. His hair wasn’t curly enough, not quite the right shade of brown. She shifted her eyes to the house beyond him, let him fall further out of focus. Better , she thought.
    “If I’m dead, where’s Az?” she asked. The guy must have felt her staring and turned toward her. Eden’s stomach dropped, but from

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