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Book: Saddled by Delilah Devlin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Delilah Devlin
    Still, there was the vacation she'd arranged for her honeymoon. The tickets could be cancelled and the funds returned, but she could still take the time off. She wondered if the two men would be willing to put up with a houseguest for three weeks. She cleared her throat and sauntered inside, wearing the robe and a pair of Bobby's socks on her feet. You'd have thought she was wearing Victoria's Secret lingerie by the way both their gazes lit up. "What's cookin', boys?" she drawled, giving them as simmering a look as she could muster.
    Must have worked from the sharp breath Cale pulled and the smile that curved one corner of Bobby's sexy mouth.
    "Did you hear us talking?" Bobby asked.
    "Couldn't help but hear, the way both of you were moaning. Gonna miss me?" she whispered and rubbed up close to Bobby's chest.
    by Delilah Devlin
    "Like a toothache, sweetheart." But she thought the pain would be much lower going by the ridge rising against her belly.
    "I could stay a little longer, if you like." Bobby's smile widened, but a glance at Cale said he wasn't so keen on the idea. Disappointment stung harder than she thought it would. "Or not," she said quickly. Cale shook his head. "It's not that I don't want you stayin', but I don't think it's a good idea. Not unless you think there's a chance for us."
    Was he afraid he'd fall in love with her? Although disappointed, she knew it wasn't fair. "I get it. And it's okay. I'll go tomorrow."
    Bobby's hands tightened on her ass. "Still got tonight." She forced a smile and gazed at him from beneath her lashes. "Sure do. But since you two have been the ones doing all the thinking, I'm wanting a little quid pro quo." Bobby snorted. "You wanna be in charge? What do you say, buddy? Should we let her give the orders?" Cale's brows lifted in a very "Bobby-like" challenge. "I'm thinking she won't last long. She'll get breathless and weakkneed and call uncle before either of us is winded." She narrowed her eyes at both men, relieved they'd let her set a lighter tone. "I'm so gonna prove you two wrong."
    "Supper first, boss?" Bobby said.
    "Supper after."
    * * * *
    by Delilah Devlin
    Kate felt ready to scream. The men had taken her request to be in charge to ridiculous levels, both refusing to even remove a single sock without precise instructions. Then they'd embarrassed the hell out of her by requiring her to describe exactly which tongue and set of fingers had to do what as they gave her head. The result had left her frustrated and aroused, and they both knew it, sharing smirks across her body as she glared daggers at them both.
    "Any time you wanna say uncle," Cale murmured. She was close to throwing in the towel, but they'd pissed her off. She tapped a nipple and glared at Bobby. "I want your mouth here." She tapped the other and issued the same command to Cale.
    Both mouths latched on but didn't move. She drew a deep breath, counted silently to ten and said, "Now suck until I tell you to stop."
    Thank God, they didn't need more explicit instructions. They suckled enthusiastically, and she dug her fingers into both their scalps and closed her eyes at the delicious sensations while her mind thought of devious punishments.
    "I'm remembering what you said," she murmured, "that first time about not being that particular about what you poked." That got their attention. While their mouths remained engaged, they shared a concerned glance between them. "I'm thinking I want to watch what you're not all that particular about poking."
    Both mouths disengaged.
    "Now, Kate," Cale said, a worried edge to his voice. Bobby grinned wickedly.
    by Delilah Devlin
    "I am still in charge, aren't I?"
    "Kate..." Cale started again.
    Bobby shook his head, putting on a mournful expression.
    "We did say she could call the shots, but she's gonna have to get specific."
    This time, she didn't think she'd mind. Might be embarrassing as hell to direct, but she thought they'd be

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