
Free Saddled by Delilah Devlin

Book: Saddled by Delilah Devlin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Delilah Devlin
coat around her hips. "Sorry, about that sweetheart. Want Cale to take you back inside and warm you up?"
    A giggle escaped as she lay on the hay and rolled to her back. She sat up and started to pull hay from her hair and clothing. "I'm not even going to ask about what might be mixed in this hay."
    "Better not think on it," he agreed. Cale stepped closer, his head shaking as he reached down to give her a hand up. "You two are crazy. Even I have better sense than this."
    by Delilah Devlin
    "Couldn't help it. Her ass was right there in my face when she was shoveling," Bobby said, shrugging.
    "Shut up," Kate deadpanned. "I know it looks wide as a barn in these clothes."
    "It's attention-getting. My cock's living proof." Cale clucked and pulled her by the hand toward the stall door. Then he tugged her coat down over her hips and zipped it up to her chin. "A bath. Then I'll see about what else needs warming up." He turned to Bobby. "You finished here?" Bobby smiled, lifting one brow. "Just getting started." Cale left Kate on her own in the bath after he'd made sure she had everything she needed. She'd still looked more than a little embarrassed after her tryst in the barn. He couldn't get over the sight of them, plush as polar bears above and bare-assed below. He was only sorry he'd missed the whole show.
    Bobby entered the kitchen from the mudroom, blowing into his clasped hands. "Where's Kate?"
    "In the tub. Thawing."
    "Buddy, you know that wasn't planned," Bobby said with a sheepish grin.
    "I hope you didn't have it in your mind. I'd think you were a complete idiot. Do you know how cold it is out there?" Bobby grimaced. "My dick's still stinging." Cale chuckled, shaking his head. "Serves you right." Cale settled his hips against the kitchen counter and locked his gaze with Bobby. "She talk about when she's gonna leave?" Bobby's expression fell. "No. But I'm thinking it's probably going to be tomorrow."
    by Delilah Devlin
    Cale cleared his throat. He and Bobby hadn't talked much since Kate's arrival, and he wasn't sure how deep Bobby's feelings went with Kate. "I'm gonna miss having her here," he said, leading the conversation.
    Bobby poured a cup of steaming coffee and wrapped both hands around the cup. He took a quick, tentative sip, then replied quietly, "Me too."
    "Didn't think we could actually share a woman for longer than a one-nighter and not come to blows," Cale said, watching Bobby's expression for a hint of what he really thought.
    Bobby's lips quirked up. "Doesn't hurt she's a horny little thing."
    "Bobby," Cale growled.
    His buddy shrugged but still didn't meet his gaze. "I didn't mean any disrespect. It's pure compliment. Girl's got game." Sounded like Bobby only wanted a bed partner. "She's kept us both satisfied," he muttered. At last, Bobby lifted his head, his usual careless expression wiped clean. There was real yearning in his eyes. "Wonder what it would take to make her stay." Cale's whole body tightened. "More money that either one of us has."
    "Sonofabitch," Bobby sighed. "You're probably right. What the hell would she see in two cowboys in the middle of nowhere when she's used to caviar?"
    "I don't think it's the money so much," Cale said softly.
    "She hasn't complained once about her things in the car. I think maybe she just liked the security." 81
    by Delilah Devlin
    "Still not something we can offer yet. We don't know from one year to the next whether we're gonna make it."
    "Yeah, still, I'm gonna miss her." Kate paused outside the kitchen, listening to the two men. They both sounded so forlorn she smiled sadly. They sounded like two boys about to have their favorite toy stolen out from beneath them.
    She was going to miss them too. But this was just a tryst. A sexy little escape from all her problems. No way could she stay. She had a job back in Sacramento. A household to divvy up with her fiancé. Wedding gifts to return, arrangements to cancel. The list was

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