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Book: Saddled by Delilah Devlin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Delilah Devlin
the ones squirming the most. "How about you two lie down side by side, facing each other."
    Cale and Bobby shared another glance. Cale's lips tightened, but he sighed in resignation.
    Bobby rolled away from her and waited as Cale climbed over them both to lie down beside Bobby.
    Kate got up on her knees for a better view. "I don't think I've ever watched two men kiss each other, mouth to mouth, other than on television. Why not start there? And be sure to do it like you mean it. I want hands holding heads and a whole lot of tongue."
    Cale's glare was blistering, but he didn't seem too terribly disturbed. They'd done this before.
    The thought made Kate hot just watching as they stared at each other's lips and thought through what she'd demanded.
    "Anytime you're ready," she said softly. Bobby, as always, made the first move, sliding his hand behind Cale's neck and leaning toward his friend, his mouth opening and pressing against Cale's thinned lips. Rich hot color stained Cale's cheeks, but he returned the kiss, sliding his mouth over Bobby's. She didn't know whose tongue slipped inside first, but the heat between them 85
    by Delilah Devlin
    escalated quickly until they were both leaning in, their heads circling.
    "Nice start," she whispered, her own lips feeling dry. "How about you both slide your hands over the other's dick." Again, she didn't have to get too specific. Hands reached across. Long fingers clasped rigid cocks and smoothed up and down long, thick shafts.
    She was beginning to think she'd hoisted herself on her own petard because her body was heating up alongside theirs but they were the only ones having any fun.
    "Bobby," she said.
    He pulled his mouth away from Cale's and looked over his shoulder at her. Amusement was gone; his cheeks were just as hot, just as taut as Cale's.
    She licked her dry lips, then did it again when his gaze dropped to her mouth. "Who usually goes down first?" she asked slowly.
    His eyelids dipped, skimming her distended nipples and the way she clenched her thighs together. "Baby, you know it's me."
    "Will you let me watch?"
    "You're in charge," he crooned. "But you sure you don't want to join in?"
    "You first," she said, her throat tightening as she swallowed hard.
    Bobby came up to his knees and stepped over Cale who opened his legs to make room. He rested his head casually on one bent arm to look down his own body as Bobby's hair 86
    by Delilah Devlin
    brushed forward and his mouth closed over the tip of his cock.
    Kate had an inkling what Cale was feeling, having been the recipient of Bobby's talented mouth and tongue. Cale reached down and gripped the base of his cock, holding it straight up for Bobby who began to bob on it, his cheeks hollowing as he sucked upward, billowing as he went back down.
    Cale's narrowed glance locked with hers. Excitement seeped from inside her body, and Kate scrapped any plans for an extended viewing, pushing Bobby gently on the shoulder and bending down to join him, her tongue sweeping over Cale's shaft from the side as he swept the other. When their mouths met for a brief hot kiss, Cale didn't seem to mind that they'd forgotten about the evidence of his arousal standing tall between them. His hands reached down and stroked both their heads, encouraging them silently to enjoy.
    They shared tongues, wrapped their hands together around Cale's shaft and pumped. Kate learned a thing or two along the way, about how firmly Cale liked to be stroked, about how giving Bobby could be when he wasn't being a smartass. Their attention focused on Cale, their efforts quickening, deepening until Cale groaned and his come shot from his cock. Together they drank it down, rubbing it over their lips and sharing it in the sexiest kiss as they ate each other's lips.
    When they'd finished, they lay their heads down on Cale's belly and grinned at each other.
    by Delilah Devlin
    "Don't suppose you have any more orders for me," Bobby drawled.

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