The Good, the Bad, and the Naughty
her mouth thoroughly.
    She gave out a low, sultry moan and then took an intake of air. It appeared to Trevor she was having a problem breathing. Who wouldn’t, wearing a bustier as tight as that?
    A few seconds later, he heard a “Mmhmm.” Then Belle broke the erotic kiss to glance to his left. James stood there sporting the dumbest smile he ever saw. Trevor couldn’t help but grin himself. His partner’s reaction amused him.
    James’s gaze trailed over her body starting from her head, down to her neck, chest, waist, and all the way to her feet, while his brow lifted in obvious admiration. “You sure do look lovely in that outfit, Belle.”
    She smiled back and said, slightly out of breath, “Why thank you, James.” She looked over to the bureau where they placed the bottle of whiskey, a pitcher of water, and three glasses. “I wouldn’t mind having a drink right about now. I’m awful thirsty.” She sauntered to James’s bed on the other side of the room and sat down looking first at James and then at Trevor.
    James was the first to react. “Of course, Belle.” Then he strode over to pour two shots and a glass of water, brought her one, bowing, and grinned slyly. “There you go, sweet lady.’’
    She only tilted her head back in response since her corset obviously didn’t allow her much mobility. “Thank you, kind gentleman.”
    He handed Trevor his drink and then raised his glass of water in the air. “Here’s to Miss Belle Samson, the most beautiful and talented singer in all of Fort Smith.”
    “I’ll second that, James,” Trevor added while noting her blush spreading to both cheeks. He couldn’t tell if she was blushing out of shyness or because of her labored breathing.
    “Thank you, boys.” She took a swill of whiskey and then tried to catch her breath.
    James snuck a look at Trevor, signaling him to follow his lead while he sat on Belle’s right side.
    “So, Belle, you have an amazing voice. How long have you been singing? Were you always a saloon singer?” James asked.
    Trevor sat on her left side. “Yes, pretty lady, how long?”
    “Been singing since I was a kid. My ma sang in the church choir. She taught me. No, I’ve just been singing in saloons recently.” She took a second large mouthful of booze and emptied her glass. She handed it back to James, huffing. “Would you mind if I had another?”
    “Not at all. So what did you do before that?” Just as James got up, he glared at Trevor with worry in his eyes.
    “I was…I did odd things.” She began to fidget.
    Trevor took Belle’s hand and kissed it and then leaned in to whisper in her ear, “You okay, Belle? You seem to be having a problem breathing.”
    Instead of talking, she just nodded. James came back and gave her the glass. She took it, swallowing it in two gulps. “Thank you.”   By now she began to perspire and fuss some more.
    Trevor put his hand to her face and asked, “You sure you’re okay?”
    “Boys, I’m sorry, but I think I’ll best be going.” She sprang to her feet and began to walk to the door.
    Trevor followed her, wanting to escort her to her room to make sure she arrived there safely. The flush in her face had intensified.
    As he opened the door for her, she took a step to pass him and then her eyes turned upward, and she fell back into his arms.
    “Belle! Belle!” Trevor spoke loudly.
    But she passed out cold.
    “She fainted.” James was at his side now. He picked her up and brought her to his bed, laying her on it.
    “It’s that damn corset. It’s way too tight. She can hardly breathe.” Trevor followed.
    James looked up at him while he knelt beside her checking her breathing. “You’re right.” He began to unfasten her corset. “We need to take it off now.”
    Both he and James started to unfasten it, Trevor starting from the bottom and James from the top.
    As each hook detached from each eye, a little more of her plump breasts and abdomen became exposed. Ordinarily, Trevor

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