A Want So Wicked

Free A Want So Wicked by Suzanne Young

Book: A Want So Wicked by Suzanne Young Read Free Book Online
Authors: Suzanne Young
going to have to trust me, Elise.” He walks around to open the passenger side first. “Sort of exciting, right?” he asks.
    My heart races, nervousness churning in my stomach. This is an adventure, a new experience. I’m not one to take risks, but with Abe I almost have to. He’s so tempting.
    Once inside the car, Abe adjusts the seat and pulls out a CD from his backpack before inserting it into the stereo. “If it’ll calm your nerves,” he says offhandedly as he turns up the heavy blues music, a rumbling voice rolling out of the speakers. “I won’t ruin you, Elise. I know how innocent you are.”
    â€œ Ruin? Well, glad to hear it,” I respond, smiling at his choice of words. “That would probably make for an awkward silence later.”
    Abe turns, his dark eyes raking slowly over me until they stare back seductively into mine. “Or maybe I’ll ruin you just a little,” he whispers.
    I hold his gaze for a second before facing the window, the parking lot outside slowly emptying of cars. Although Abe didn’t touch me, I’m covered in goose bumps—feeling vulnerable. Exposed. But I’m also drawn to him, and slowly look at him again, almost like I can’t help it. He smiles and then backs out of Santo’s lot.
    The stores on Main Street are closed as we drive past, the town sleepy and empty ahead of us. I think about the old woman, and how I still have to find her. Abe begins to accelerate and I notice he’s merged onto the freeway.
    I lower the stereo. “Where exactly are you bringing me?”
    â€œYou get one hint,” he says. “It involves fire.”
    â€œOkay,” I laugh. “Now I’m scared.”
    Abe turns the music back up, the bass vibrating in my bones. “You should be.”
    * * *
    It’s nearly thirty minutes later when we pull onto a sandy street in the middle of the desert. And I mean the middle of the freaking desert—only cactus and hills of sand surrounding us.
    â€œAbe,” I say, my voice a little strained. “Where are we going? For real.”
    â€œI need a place to bury your body, right?”
    My expression falters and Abe looks at me, his eyes hidden in the shadows of the night. Then he chuckles. “Dear God, Elise. Get a sense of humor.”
    But it’s like I suddenly realize how alone we are, as if waking from a dream only to realize I’ve wandered onto the ledge of a building. The only light outside of the car is from the headlights, and I’m scared. I tell him so.
    â€œAw, you’re making me feel bad,” Abe says sincerely. “I was kidding around about murdering you. We’re hanging out at a campsite. See the fire over that hill?”
    Sure enough, I see a flickering light just over the next mound of sand. My tension releases slightly, and as we get closer, I notice a Jeep and another car pulled to the side.
    â€œCamping?” I ask, feeling ridiculous for being so paranoid. I watch as the glow from the fire fills the car, illuminating Abe’s face in soft amber. He’s so handsome, so inviting.
    And yet my heart tells me that something is off—like that anxiety you get when you’re not sure if you’ve locked the front door. Or maybe it’s guilt. Although I can’t think of a reason to be sorry for being out with Abe. It’s not like I have a boyfriend waiting by the phone for me to call.
    Abe reaches to take my hand, as if reading the hesitance in my expression. “It’s not a sleepover, Elise. I just wanted to introduce you to some of my friends. Cook some burgers. It’s all innocent. I swear.”
    My worry fades. I’m flattered that Abe wants me to meet his friends. As if he’s proud to show me off. His skin is warm on mine. “I hope these burgers are better than what they have to offer at 7-Eleven,” I say, trying not to

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