Lumberjack in Love

Free Lumberjack in Love by Penny Watson

Book: Lumberjack in Love by Penny Watson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Penny Watson
pants, tousled hair, wearing his Timberlands unlaced and ready to fall off her feet. She leaned over the porch railing and offered him a small smile.
    “Is this how you start every day? Your lumberjack routine?”
    He wished he could rearrange his hard-on, but that wouldn’t be too subtle. “Some mornings.” His voice sounded rusty. He leaned down to prop the block buster against the stump.
    “What are you doin’?”
    “Uh, just splitting up the end of this timber.”
    Ami curled a piece of hair around her finger. “What’s that tool called?”
    “A splitting maul. I’ve had it for years.”
    “Why don’t you use power tools? Wouldn’t that be faster?”
    “I use those for larger pieces of lumber. For the smaller pieces, I enjoy doing it myself. It’s good exercise.”
    She nodded and leaned a bit farther over the railing, giving him an excellent view down her shirt. Which appeared to be her intention.
    “You sure look good chopping that wood.”
    Marcus held back a groan. Ami didn’t look vulnerable right now. She looked…hot.
    “Didn’t you promise me flapjacks? I’m hungry.”
    Her pout nearly made him fall to his knees. “Yeah. I promised. With real Vermont maple syrup. None of that fake crap you city folk use.” He headed toward the cabin, trying not to sprint.
    “You mean Mrs. Butterworth? I love that stuff.”
    “It’s filled with preservatives and chemicals. You shouldn’t be eating it.”
    Ami raised a brow as he stomped up the front steps of the porch. “Oh really. You gonna make me stop, Big Guy?”
    Marcus noticed three things simultaneously. One, Ami was staring at the crotch of his jeans. Two, she was licking her lips. And three…
    She wasn’t wearing any panties under his flannel shirt.
    “Turn around. Face the railing. Hold on and don’t let go.” His voice rumbled so low and gravelly he wasn’t sure if she’d heard everything he said.
    Her eyes grew large, and then she nodded and turned. She placed both hands on the railing and glanced at him over her shoulder.
    “Is this your caveman act, Mr. Anderson? I think you’ve been living alone in the woods for too long.”
    He stalked up behind her and slipped his hand between her legs. Wet already. Sweet Jesus.
    “Maybe I’m not civilized. But I think you like it, Miss Priss.” He sucked on his fingers. Better than maple syrup.
    “Maybe I do. Maybe I trust you, even though I don’t know why.” She blinked at him once and then lowered her lashes. “Now what?”
    Marcus unzipped his jeans and pushed them down his thighs. He put one hand on the top of Ami’s back and gently pushed her over the railing until her ass‌—‌that perfect curvy ass‌—‌was angled just right. “Don’t move.” He stepped forward and brushed the head of his cock against her sweet spot. Ami’s legs buckled, and he grabbed her around the waist.
    “Don’t worry, sweetheart. I’ve got you. I’ve got you good.”
    “Don’t tease me, lumberjack.” Her breath was labored and she arched her back.
    “I may be many things, Miss Jordan, but a tease is not one of them.” He slammed inside of her, and both of them shouted. He closed his eyes and rubbed his face along the back of her neck, sucking and nipping, marking her again. Just like he did the first night. He vaguely heard her sobs.
    He reached up the front of her shirt and cupped those sweet bouncing breasts. A long, keening screech and ruffle of feathers interrupted his thoughts. He laughed as a red-tailed hawk landed on a tree branch in front of his house and eyed them. It was the female that returned to his homestead every year.
    “Look, Ami. Someone’s watching.” He nodded to the hawk and Ami jolted in his arms.
    “That thing isn’t dangerous, is it? It’s not going to attack us or something?”
    “Of course not. She’s just wondering what the hell we’re doing.” He turned Ami’s head so he could kiss her. She hooked an arm around his neck and surrendered to him. So

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