Axel (Ride Series Book 3)

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Book: Axel (Ride Series Book 3) by Megan O'Brien Read Free Book Online
Authors: Megan O'Brien
we came back to ourselves. He moved us so that I was on top of him as his hand stroked over my back. I didn’t want to get up, ever.
    “Let’s get some sleep,” he suggested, moving us further into the bed and pulling the covers over our bodies.
    “I can’t sleep naked,” I squeaked.
    He chuckled. “Why the hell not?”
    “I don’t know. I just can’t,” I stammered. “What if there’s a fire? What if Mad needs me in an hour?”
    “Your clothes are five feet away. I want your skin under my hands,” he said in a tone that wasn’t to be trifled with.
    His large hand swept over my breast down to my stomach before he cupped me intimately.
    “Okay,” I agreed breathlessly.
    “Okay.” He pulled my back to his front and we fell asleep with his hand between my legs.
    I’d never felt so worshipped in my life.

Chapter 7
    T he next morning when Mad was babbling and cooing from his crib, Axel got up, threw on his boxers and brought him back into bed with us.
    The three of us lay cuddled close and I didn’t think I’d ever felt more content.
    “We gotta get to the club,” Axel announced when Maddox grew restless and clearly wanted food.
    “So early?” I wrinkled my brow.
    He scoffed, throwing on a t-shirt as I rose from the bed wearing his discarded t-shirt I’d thrown on earlier. “I would have been there at 3 a.m. if I thought I could’ve dragged you and Maddox with me.” He stepped closer, grasping my hip to pull me to him as Maddox lay cooing on the bed. “As it turned out, it was much better for me that we stayed here,” he told me, taking my mouth in a quick but consuming kiss.
    “For me, too,” I agreed breathlessly.
    “You wearin’ my t-shirt?” he asked as I scooped Mad up and headed for the kitchen.
    “Yeah,” I shrugged.
    “My dirty t-shirt,” he amended, his eyes sweeping my frame.
    “It smells good,” I swallowed, trying to keep some semblance of sanity under his lust-inducing gaze.
    “You smell good on me, too.” He gave me a crooked smile and ran his fingers under his nose.
    Holy hell.
    The doorbell chimed loudly then, surprising us both.
    “Go get some clothes on,” Axel ordered, cocking his head toward the bedroom.
    “Bossy,” I mumbled, taking Mad with me to throw on some clothes as Axel stalked to the door.
    When I re-entered the living room, I was surprised to see an older suit-clad man standing by the front door. He looked slightly nervous as he looked up at Axel’s imposing figure as he stood guarding the man’s entry with arms crossed.
    “Miss Foster?” he presumed, peeking his head around Axel’s large body and pushing his glasses further up his nose.
    “Yes?” I answered, confused.
    He sighed, looking relieved. “I’m so glad I tracked you down. I’m Frank Greenwood from JC Financials,” he explained, though that didn’t mean anything to me.
    He must have seen the blank look on my face. “We manage your trust.”
    My brows knit in confusion as to what he’d be doing tracking me down. “Come in,” I gestured, giving Axel a look to relax. He nodded once and moved further into the room gesturing that the man should have a seat.
    “Coffee?” I offered.
    “No, thank you,” he shook his head as I took a seat nearby. Axel placed Mad in his Pack ‘N Play with some toys and joined me.
    “Miss Foster, your brother contacted us recently. He was concerned about statements you made that your parents had cut off your trust fund,” he began as he opened up a briefcase and removed some documents. “We were very concerned and immediately investigated. What we uncovered is quite disturbing,” he admitted with a sigh.
    My mouth went dry as I waited for him to continue.
    “It seems as though one or both of your parents have been intercepting your payments for the past year. Since we had no forwarding address for you and weren’t aware you had left NY, the checks continued to go to them. It is also worth noting that a significant sum was left for your

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