The Unknown Man: Book 1 in The Keepers of the Orbs Series

Free The Unknown Man: Book 1 in The Keepers of the Orbs Series by J.G. Gatewood

Book: The Unknown Man: Book 1 in The Keepers of the Orbs Series by J.G. Gatewood Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.G. Gatewood
this.” He let his words reach each of them before he continued. “Instead, we’ll question the towns around Havenbrook to see if he has passed through. After a town or two we should know where he’s headed.”
    One of the Elves stepped forward to speak. “This is a waste of our time. We have troops massing as we speak and the time to strike is at hand. We need the orbs, and if this Human is a nuisance, he should be destroyed.” Other Elves nodded their agreement which gave him enough motivation to continue, “He could be taken out of the equation. I would even volunteer to lead a pack of Minotaurs to dispose of him myself.”
    “Darfin, you’re too hasty my friend.” Lutheras looked at the others who had agreed with the plan. “If you feel like the plan doesn’t make sense, then by all means follow your own course. But be mindful, you will be destroyed.”
    Another Elf stepped forward. “I trust your judgment, Lutheras. You have gathered us all and have put plans in place that will grant us control of Nithor. How though, could one Human put an end to our conquests?”
    Angered, Lutheras stepped forward. “You seem to forget I’m a Human as well, but I’ve faced him and defeated him before. But, that doesn’t mean an easy victory. We need to be careful with him, my friends.” He glanced around the room. “We need to take our time with this. I know this means nothing to you, but he’s a sworn keeper, which grants him power none of you could even conceive of.” The Elves fell back into their original positions. “Now that I’ve got your attention, those stationed around Havenbrook will begin to question the villagers. Keep your distance during daylight hours. We cannot risk discovery. Only face him if someone discovers you. But I would suggest you leave with all of the haste you can bring forth. Keep your troops hidden as well. I’m the only person with enough power to defeat him. Trust me on this.” He gave one last look at each of the party members and then turned to leave. “I grow weary of this meeting, you have my orders.” He strode out of the room.
    One-by-one each of the brothers created a doorway and walked through. When they all had gone, Eldrin created one and disappeared himself.   

               The Journey Begins
    The morning sun approached from the west making Nithor’s two moons visible in the east. The man had already arrived at the stables, where the grooms had four purebreds harnessed and ready to go. He paced, eager to be on his way, but Liniana hadn’t shown up yet.
    After his third trip, he saw Liniana approaching from the palace. Her mother and father accompanied her to the stables, along with two of the palace guards.
    “I hope you slept well, because you will be sleeping on the ground for the next month.” Lord Brukahn chuckled. “I wish you both a safe journey. I expect to see her returned in one piece, or you will pay for her life.” He said the last part with a stern look upon his face.
    The man laughed deep down at the absurd warning from the lord. “I promise, you will see her returned, and I thank you for your assistance in securing this journey.” He smiled at the lord. “You act as if the roads are not safe, my lord. I think your daughter can handle herself, after all, she defeated me.” They all laughed, “But, I will ensure she’s brought back in one piece.”
    They bid the lord and lady ado, and proceeded through the cities inner and outer rings. They left through the eastern gates, as he had seen so many others do during his stay at the palace. The man and Liniana took the lead, with the two palace guards trailing behind them. The sun sat at their backs, creating a comfortable morning ride. The thick forests encroached upon the road—pine and cedar trees grew thicker as the city became a speck at their backs. The sun reached its peak in the sky when

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