Axel (Ride Series Book 3)

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Book: Axel (Ride Series Book 3) by Megan O'Brien Read Free Book Online
Authors: Megan O'Brien
“You sure?” he growled as I moved to his neck. “Cause if you go much further—”
    “I’m sure,” I cut him off, moving up over him and taking his lips. God, how I dreamed of those lips.
    He pulled me up so I straddled his muscular frame, his hands grasping my thighs as his mouth opened under mine.
    Our tongues tangled as heat flooded my entire body and my heart pounded. Kissing Axel was like nothing else on earth.
    His hands moved to the hair at the back of my neck, gripping me like his life depended on it. His erection, hot and insistent at my core pressed against me, and I ground down, unable to hold back, not that either of us wanted that in the first place.
    He flipped us suddenly, looming up over me as he pulled my tank top up and over my head, his lips finding my nipples with a laser-like focus.
    I sighed, my back arching into his mouth.
    I didn’t have time to worry about how my body had changed since having Maddox, or that it was only my second time ever. The dim light and the heat of the moment allowed for me to let any reservations go. I wanted to let my body lead well before my head.
    He pulled my panties off, moving lower to territory he hadn’t explored our first time.
    “You’re so gorgeous, Sophie. Christ,” he murmured in reverence as he swiped along the seam of my core.
    I threw my head back on the pillow, a sound I didn’t recognize escaping me.
    I loved the feeling of his tongue, of his hands gripping my thighs, thighs that quickly began to shake.
    “That’s right, baby,” he rasped in encouragement.
    He slipped one finger inside me and I was hurling over the edge, calling out his name, my thighs caging his head, keeping him there as I rode out my orgasm.
    After a moment, my legs slackened and I took a few last shuddering breaths. He rose from the bed, shedding the boxers he’d been wearing. I took in his amazing form in the dim light suddenly wishing it was broad daylight.
    “Condom,” he murmured, pulling it out of the nightstand before he was back between my legs. He kissed me again, poised at my entrance.
    “You gonna let me in?” he asked quietly and I knew he meant more than just physically.
    I looked up at his gorgeous face. “You were never out,” I admitted. “I look at Mad every day and I see you. I see us. I was gone but I never left you. What if this one breaks too?” I whispered nervously.
    “Then I guess we’re having another baby,” he replied without hesitation.
    “I’ll get on birth control,” I replied quickly, shocked at how swiftly and without fear he’d responded.
    “That’d be good,” he rasped. He made a noise in the back of his throat as he glided through to the hilt, both of us gasping slightly.
    “Christ, baby, you feel so good,” he muttered, his tone nearly guttural.
    I adjusted slightly, trying to accommodate to his size. Then he started to move.
    This was so different from our first time, our only other time, where everything had felt like the promise of something hanging on the edge of a precipice. Back then, it had been as though we were afraid to speak. Neither of us made any promises; I hadn’t even told him it was my first time.
    This time, I knew he was claiming me in a way he couldn’t the first time. His mouth was everywhere it could be, his large hands grasping my flesh. Our sweat intermingled as we nearly toppled off the bed. When he loomed over me and I looked into his eyes, I’d never felt so close to another person.
    I watched in fascination as the muscles in his arms, his shoulders, and everywhere I could see worked to pleasure me. He put everything he had into loving me. He gave himself to me.
    And I wasn’t ever giving him back.
    When my orgasm began to build, I gripped his backside pulling him deeper, wanting him closer.
    He waited until I was already toppling over the edge, pulling him close, before he let out a low groan of relief and completely enveloped me with his large body.
    We lay in a sweaty, heaving heap as

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