Twisted Pieces

Free Twisted Pieces by London Casey, Karolyn James

Book: Twisted Pieces by London Casey, Karolyn James Read Free Book Online
Authors: London Casey, Karolyn James
” Blaine said. He put
a hand to his heart. “ I ’ m cursed. I swear on it. My head
is wrong. ”
    Jace shook his head and watched a
smile creep across Blaine ’ s
face. The man had no remorse to anything but his cock. If Blaine had the choice
between keeping his hands, legs, eyes or his cock, he ’ d keep his cock.
    A bell rang out and Jace gripped
the handlebars of his ride. He couldn ’ t
do anything there in the open. Too many people. Too many witnesses. The last
thing he needed was more fucking evidence against him.
    Kids started to flood the doors,
desperate to get out of school. When Jace saw how old the kids were, he started
to get nervous. They were too young. He told himself to just wait it out. Older
kids would be coming out soon.
    The kids got older, but not by
much. Then Blaine pointed to a kid with moppy blonde hair, running down the
main walkway to the sidewalk.
    “ Right
there, ” Blaine said. “ That ’ s the one. Name ’ s
Jacob. ”
    “ Jacob? ”
    “ Yeah.
Just like his father. ”
    Jace stared at the kid. He was
young. For a second Jace thought about hightailing it out of there. But he
couldn ’ t. They ’ d come down here for a reason.
That judge let Jace sit in prison for weeks. Day in and day out Jace ’ s life was at risk for no good
    Jacob ran down the sidewalk like
someone was chasing him. He paused at the corner and then hung a left. Jace
looked at Blaine and nodded.
    It was time to send a message.
    The motorcycles moved out onto the
street. Jace knew they stuck out like sore thumbs in this part of Frelen, but
that didn ’ t matter. Once
they were beyond the school, they would be in the mix of things. The houses
were huge and spaced out pretty far so that everyone had a large lot of land.
    Jace had his eyes on Jacob. He was
still running. It intrigued Jace, making him wonder if the kid didn ’ t know Back Down Devil was out
to get him.
    When Jacob started to run faster,
moving toward a set of trees, Jace eased off the throttle to see what was going
to happen. What Jace expected and what happened were two different things. Jace
figured Jacob would disappear into the trees and be gone, but as Jacob got near
the trees, a group of kids emerged. Five of them. All dressed in the private
school uniform suits. The leader of the group was smoking a cigarette, holding
it uncomfortably like it was a joint. Obviously trying to looking tough. It
must have worked on Jacob, because he backed up and fell to his ass.
    The five kids circled Jacob.
    “ Holy
shit, ” Blaine yelled. “ They ’ re going to fuck that kid up. ”
    Jace reached out and grabbed
Blaine. “ Wait. Watch it. ”
    Jace watched as the leader of the
group reached down and grabbed Jacob. He forced him to his feet. He held Jacob
by his shirt, shaking him. The only words Jace could make out were fucking and pussy . The bigger kid was shaking Jacob on purpose to scare him and to
look cool in front of his other buddies.
    Then came the first punch. Right
across Jacob ’ s face. Jacob
yelled and stumbled back. Someone pushed Jacob back into the bigger kid, who
punched him again. This time, Jacob fell.
    “ Stupid
fucking kid, ” Jace said.
    All five then came at Jacob,
kicking him while he was down.
    “ Jesus,
man, ” Blaine said, “ Are we really letting this
happen? ”
    “ Since
when do you have a conscience? ”
    “ Good
point. But still, it ’ s …”
    “ Let
it go, Blaine. This is my battle. ”
    The onslaught continued for a minute
before the leader called everyone off. He stood over Jacob, laughing. He
reached into his own pants and that ’ s
when Jace had seen enough. He wasn't going to let this prick piss on the kid
too. That was crossing the line.
    Jace whistled and everyone looked
at him. The leader had the balls to raise a fist at Jace. So Jace did the only
logical thing - he opened his leather cut to reveal his gun.
    That changed the situation, fast.
They all scattered back into the trees.

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