Chief's Angel (Biker Rockstar Series Book Three)

Free Chief's Angel (Biker Rockstar Series Book Three) by Bec Botefuhr

Book: Chief's Angel (Biker Rockstar Series Book Three) by Bec Botefuhr Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bec Botefuhr
and I wish everyone would just let me make my own mind up.”
    “Amanda, you get a say so in most things you do.”
    “Just not who I date right?”
    I pick up her hand from my thigh and place it back in her own lap; I’ve had enough of this bullshit.
    “It isn’t as though I am asking you to marry the man,” She snaps.
    “Aren’t you?” I say, standing.
    I rush off to the bathroom, and stare at myself in the mirror. I need to get out of here; I can’t deal with this right now. I freshen up then head out to find my Mother again. I find her still sitting at the table, chatting to a group of women. I wait until they are finished speaking, before catching her attention.
    “I’m leaving.” I say.
    “Why? We haven’t even had dinner yet.”
    Not wishing to be drawn into a long winded argument, I say the first thing that comes into my head. “I…just went to the bathroom and I have gotten my period. I have no protection,” I lie. Really Amanda?! That’s the best you could come up with?!
    Turning back towards her friends at the table, my Mom tries to ‘fix’ the situation. “Oh, I am sure I could ask one of the ladies…”
    Feeling my face flush, I’m quick to thwart her rescue attempt. “God no Mom! Honestly, it’s fine; I’m tired anyway.”
    I can tell she’s disappointed but she plasters a fake smile across her face. “Ok. Shall I get Greg to take you home?”
    “No, let him enjoy the night. I’ll catch a cab.”
    “Are you sure?”
    “I’m sure. Thanks for tonight Mom, it was lovely.”
    She beams. “Yes, it was. Call me if you need anything.”
    I give her a hug and then I leave without saying goodbye to Greg. Once out front, I wave down a taxi. I get in and give directions to Caden’s house. I need to make this right. When we pull up, I pay the driver and get out. Both houses are quiet, so I walk up to Caden’s front door. Jeff answers when I knock, and a smile stretches across his handsome face. He looks a lot like Caden, with grey eyes and greying dark hair. He is taller and leaner, but the similarities are still noticeable.
    “Hi Angel, what you doing here?”
    “I was looking for Caden?”
    “Oh, he is at the party over the road with the boys.”
    I look to where he is pointing, and I can see the glow of a bonfire on the beach over the road. Great. As if it wasn’t hard enough to walk in these heels already I’m going have to traipse over the bloody dunes.
    “Oh, okay. Thank you Jeff.”
    “Anytime love.”
    He closes the door and I turn and walk over to the beach. When I get down onto the sand, people are scattered everywhere. I can smell smoke, salt and alcohol. I stumble and lurch in my heels; sifting through the people, desperately seeking Caden. I finally see him standing against a tree, with his arms around Dani. My heart plummets and I clutch my chest. I make my way over; my dress whipping madly in the breeze. He notices me, and his eyes flare.
    “Caden…can we talk?”
    Dani steps in front of him and glares at me; her blonde dreadlocks are pulled back into a thick pony tail.
    “Go back and play with your dolls princess. This world ain’t for you; Chief ain’t for you, so best you fuckin’ leave.”
    My eyes fall on Caden. I know I have made him angry, I know I deserve his wrath but he won’t even speak to me. His grey gaze burns through me.
    “Caden?” I whisper.
    Turning from me, he wraps an arm around Dani and pulls her away; leaving me to stand alone in the sand with pathetic tears falling down my cheeks. I know I stuffed up, I know that; but maybe Dani is right. Maybe this world just isn’t for me. I turn, kick off my heels and run away from the party; I need to get out of here because without Caden, this isn’t safe for me.
    “Well, hello there little girl.”
    I hear a voice just as I step onto the sidewalk. I turn and see three men standing and staring at me.
    “Leave me alone.”
    I turn and go to walk away, but a hand lashes out and grips my

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