The Turnaround Treasure Shop

Free The Turnaround Treasure Shop by Jennie Jones

Book: The Turnaround Treasure Shop by Jennie Jones Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennie Jones
didn’t speak, even though Lily knew she would be bursting with something to say about Nick driving Lily home.
    No look from Nick this afternoon. Just as well, since Lily had now put all that nonsense to the back of her mind. Or had she?
    After five minutes of unusual silence between them, with only the occasional toddler-talk from Olivia, Lily couldn’t bear it any longer. ‘I wonder what he wants to talk to Mrs Tam about,’ she said casually.
    â€˜Think she’s got a favour to ask of him.’
    â€˜Oh.’ He’d been doing a lot of favours suddenly. Janie-Louise’s bike. Lily’s car. Charlotte’s knives — and the taxi service to and from Lily’s house. Now things for the townspeople too.
    Lily glanced at Charlotte but Charlotte was shaping her scones with a cutter and didn’t seem prepared to talk about the oomph guy anymore.
    Nick waited as Mrs Tam locked the museum in the Town Hall.
    â€˜I’ve been thinking, Mrs Tam, about how I can get more involved in the Support to Survive program.’
    â€˜How lovely, Nicholas. Just in time actually.’
    â€˜Why’s that?’ Nick asked. ‘You have something you need?’
    The old girl blushed and batted her eyelashes at him. ‘Not what I need, but what I’d like to see someone else receive.’
    Nick raised his brow as Mrs Tam patted the bun on top of her head.
    â€˜But you go first, Nicholas.’
    â€˜Well, I was talking to young Andy this morning and he told me about how much research he needs to do for his schoolwork, and his hobby.’
    Mrs Tam nodded. ‘Tools. He’s fascinated with them. Always asking when we’re going to get technical books in the library.’ She shrugged. ‘Goodness only knows when we’ll get a proper serviceable library going.’
    â€˜You’ll get there,’ Nick said. ‘These things aren’t easy to generate fast which is why I was hoping you’d accept my suggestion for putting Wi-Fi into the Town Hall. I’ve got an unused computer I could let you have too. At my cost. Probably the best place for it is the library, then all the kids can use it — if they haven’t got decent connection at home.’ Or if their parents couldn’t afford to pay the bills on time.
    â€˜Why-Fie?’ Mrs Tam asked. ‘Is that the thing that scrambles across space and give us all the chance to surfboard the net?’
    Nick’s heart swelled with affection, along with his smile. ‘That’s the one.’
    She clapped her hands. ‘How exciting. And how thoughtful of you, Nicholas. On behalf of the town and the committee I would like to accept your generous offer.’
    â€˜Good. I’ll get things organised. Should be able to fix it up for you during the week.’
    â€˜You’ll be here anyway.’
    â€˜I will?’
    â€˜I need your assistance. But it will involve using your muscles.’
    Nick flexed an arm. ‘I think mine still work.’
    â€˜Will you kindly assist Lily — who’s going to do an inventory for me — with the boxes of books I’ve just received? They’re heavy, and they’ll need stacking and re-stacking. Wherever Lily wants them. Anything Lily wants from you.’
    Nick nodded, but gave himself a moment before voicing his answer. Junior Morelly had cornered him outside the hardware store earlier. Junior had asked for his assistance too. Helping Lily clear out the storeroom. Helping Lily with the heavy gear in the back rooms. Junior had used the same phrase, ‘Anything Lily wants from you.’
    â€˜I’d be delighted to help out with the heavy lifting,’ he told Mrs Tam. And with anything Lily wanted from him? Nick wasn’t sure about what she might want from him, or about how he might respond to any wishes and needs she had, but it was obvious that the elders in town had taken measures into their own hands.

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