Hammer It Home: Powertools, Book 6

Free Hammer It Home: Powertools, Book 6 by Jayne Rylon

Book: Hammer It Home: Powertools, Book 6 by Jayne Rylon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jayne Rylon
decrepit, freakazoid pal, huh?” Morgan rested her head on Kayla’s shoulder as they wound their way to the parking lot. They stopped at the bench Kayla had indicated earlier and two others along their route so Morgan could catch her breath.
    “Mo, you’re not driving like this.” Kay broke the silence that had stretched between them. She couldn’t forget her friend’s earlier admission… I’m scared.
    “And when we get to your place, you’re going to take a pregnancy test.” She squeezed the other woman’s hand. “I’ll stay with you. Or we can wait for Joe if you’d rather him be there. I know you’re afraid of bad news, but you have to be sure. There are things your baby needs from you—”
    “ If there’s a baby,” Morgan whispered.
    “Yes, if…” Kayla wouldn’t hurt her friend unintentionally if things didn’t turn out like she was almost positive they would. She honestly couldn’t believe Joe hadn’t made his wife take the test already. True, they’d both been damaged by the disappointments of the past year. Neither was eager to hurt themselves, or the other, again. Still, the insanity had to end.
    “I think all the tests I have are expired by now.” Morgan sighed as Kayla handed her into the passenger side of her hybrid sedan. “I’d rather not detour on the way home. Not feeling so great. Need to lie down. Somewhere quiet, dark, cool. Please, Kay. Can we hurry? Maybe one of the guys could make a run?”
    “No problem. They’re going to have to pick up your car anyway. Let me give them a call. I’ll have them stop then meet us at your apartment, okay? You can take a little nap while we wait.”
    “Good idea.” Morgan’s eyes were already closed, her head tipped back against the rest.
    Kayla shut the door, then whipped her phone out of her purse. She monitored Morgan through the glass. Speed dial had her connected to her husband in less than a second.
    “Hey, sexy.”
    “Ah shit. It’s not that kind of call, huh?” He laughed. When she didn’t, he caught on. “What’s wrong?”
    “It’s Morgan.” She tried to explain quickly so he didn’t panic. “She’s all right. But we went to the mall, and she’s acting… Well, like Kate did at first, I guess. Crazy emotions. Tired. Sick. Cranky. Just off. I’m taking her home.”
    “Joe! You’d better come down here.” Dave’s shout was muffled, as though he held the heel of his hand over the mouthpiece.
    They arranged for the guys to swing by to collect Morgan’s car and the supplies. Kayla pressed her hand to the butterflies in her stomach. If she felt this unsteady, Morgan must be a mess. She said goodbye and wrapped their call quickly, jogging to the driver’s side and slipping in. Only then did she realize she hadn’t told Dave she loved him like she usually did when they spoke. There’d be plenty of time tonight to make sure he realized how much she appreciated his reliability. No matter what, he always made her feel safe.
    “Okay, everything’s set. A half hour or so, and all will be just fine. You’ll see.” Kayla rambled the rest of the way home though Morgan never once responded. Dozing or not, she seemed to relax at the news of her husband’s impending arrival.
    Kayla could definitely relate.
    Joe dodged the headlock Dave attempted to put him in. Noogies wouldn’t relieve the knots in his guts.
    “Looks like you’re going to be a dad, buddy. Your wild days are done.”
    “Huh. Not if I have anything to say about that.” Mike saved Joe from Dave and Neil, who danced around him, whooping, tossing light punches and hollering. “Guys. Tone it down until we know something for sure.”
    “Thanks.” Joe bit the inside of his cheek and nodded. He couldn’t stand it if they all had to go through the disappointment he’d endured for close to a year. Too many false alarms had him on edge. Could this be the time? Terrified to hope, he couldn’t squash the spark of optimism

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