The Elf Girl
outsider, or come to the Realm and help us find your sister. It’s your choice, really, although I advise you to think carefully about it. I can’t force you, but you have to understand that you will never fit in here. You will always be different, even more so than in the Elf Realm where your secret will set you a bit apart. If you decide not to come with me, I will leave you alone and never return. I lied about going to school here, so I can leave at any time. I only showed up when I needed to talk to you and because I needed to wait until you figured things out. I had to approach you carefully so that I wouldn’t scare you off.”
    “Scare me off?” I laughed. “You sort of did.”
    Addison sighed. “I have been told that I can be a little intimidating and strange at times. But it’s who I am.”
    I smiled. “I like that.”
    “The confidence and strength you have, and how comfortable you are with yourself. I wish I had those qualities,” I admitted.
    “You do, Ramsey. You just haven’t been able to show them yet.” She paused. “Anyway, if you want to come, then we must leave very soon.”
    “I’ll come with you,” I blurted quickly.
    “Are you sure? You will probably never see your human family again, or your friend, Carmen.”
    “How do you know about Carmen?”
    “I know a lot about you, Ramsey. Remember that I came here to find you. I had to do research. I just have to say how annoying and confusing your computer system is. It drives me crazy.”
    “Don’t worry, you aren’t the first,” I told her.
    I thought about how much Carmen and I had been through. I would miss her, probably even more than I would miss Dina, but I had to do this. I had to go home. I had to find my real sister. I couldn’t hide any longer. I couldn’t escape who I was. I had to find out more. I had to learn and experience more . I had to do this.
    “If I come with you, will I learn more about this war? Will I get more answers?”
    “Queen Taryn will tell you everything, I’m sure.”
    “Queen Taryn?”
    “Yes, our Realm still has kings and queens, lords and ladies, and more. Queen Taryn has been our queen and sole ruler for sixteen years, ever since her husband died in battle. We will eventually need to speak with her. Zora’s kidnapping spread around the Realm quickly; it’s not often that a common elf without a royal background of some kind ends up a hostage. And there is the obvious connection between the kidnapping and you . Many elves in the Realm know about your family because of what your parents did and because of your secret. You are more famous than you know in our Realm.”
    “How strange; I’m famous in a world I know nothing about, not the one I have lived in all my life.”
    Addison only shrugged, as if she didn’t know how to respond. I wouldn’t have either. I was only voicing my thoughts.
    “Okay then, I’ve made up my mind. Let’s go,” I decided.
    “And you are sure about this?”
    “Yes. If, as you say, I am the only one who can find Zora, I have to go with you. And…I want to be with others like me, elves,” I told her as confidently as I could.
    I was nervous. I was about to put my life in the hands of a girl who told me I was an elfen. It was risky. If she were lying, what would really be in store for me?
    However, Addison’s smile comforted and encouraged me. She obviously believed I could find my sister. She believed in me, and I found myself believing in her as well. I would use her belief in me to gain strength and confidence. I would use her support, because I didn’t have any for myself just yet.
    “Okay, follow me,” she instructed.
    “So I can’t say goodbye to anyone?”
    “No, it is too much of a risk. They may not let you leave, let alone believe your story. You didn’t even believe it at first. What do you think they would say if you told them that you were an elfen?”
    “They would probably ask me if I was on some kind of drug.”

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