Dark Chase (The Gunrunner Series)

Free Dark Chase (The Gunrunner Series) by Miranda Kavi

Book: Dark Chase (The Gunrunner Series) by Miranda Kavi Read Free Book Online
Authors: Miranda Kavi
reverently with a shaking hand.
    It was so much. Too much. She couldn’t move. She bit her lip. “Dmitri, I—”
    He gently cupped her face with his hands. His green eyes bore into hers. “My love, please listen. Can you do that?”
    “Yes,” she whispered.
    “I will ask you now, as I did before.” He swiped his fingers across her lips, his expression so agonizing it almost made her crumble again. “Will you come with me, Sophia? Will you trust in me?”
    She stared into his eyes, the beautiful ache for him swelled inside her soul. She’d said no before, back in Houston. She’d almost missed her chance. She wouldn’t make that mistake again.
    “Yes.” Her word carried the impact of her meaning. She saw it when it really hit him, that she was his now.
    He stroked her face with the pad of his thumb. “ Lyubov moya ,” he whispered.She didn’t answer; she couldn’t because he was kissing her again. This time soft and sweet.
    She cried as their lips joined. She clenched his shoulders in a vice grip, digging her fingers into his jacket.
    He was really here. She could taste him on her lips, feel his strength pressed into her, smell his scent.
    They kissed until her lips swelled, neither one of them wanting to let go. They continued kissing as random passersby started making catcalls and jokes.
    “Sir,” said a formal voice.
    They broke apart. Gram was standing there, arms hooked with the beautiful woman she’d seen in the photos.
    He looked different. She’d never really seen his face in full view before. He’d avoided meeting her gaze in Houston. He’d always had his long hair hanging in his face, or a brimmed hat pulled low, obscuring his features. Now, a broad smile crossed his face, and his hair was pulled back into a neat, low pony tail.
    She was surprised at how handsome he was, and his face had a familiar shape. My God. They’re related, she realized.
    “Welcome back, Sophia,” Gram said. He surprised her further by pulling her into quick hug.
    “Hi, stranger in Gram’s body.” She hugged him back. “You could have told me you guys were related before now.” She sent a scathing glance to Dmitri.
    Gram smiled wider. “Does it matter that we are brothers? Not very many people know.” Sophia decided she could get used to this smiling, chatty Gram pretty quickly.
    “Still should have told me back in Houston,” she looked at Dmitri when she spoke.
    “I am sorry for that,” he said.
    The pretty woman held out her hand, breaking the tension. “Naomi,” she said crisply in lovely accented English.
    “Sophia,” she answered, shaking her hand.
    She stepped back from them both, overwhelmed. Dmitri saw her need right away, because Dmitri saw everything.
    “We are leaving,” Dmitri said, eyes on Gram and Naomi.
    The Palace still loomed in front of her, all splendid and lustrous in the early morning light. Because of him, the beauty of the world had been recaptured for her.
    “Come with me.” Dmitri held out his hand.
    “Yes.” She took his hand and they left together, walking past the beer man who tipped his hat and winked at Sophia.

Chapter 11
    Sophia and Dmitri walked down the hallway of the massive hotel his men had already checked into for them. She still couldn’t believe he was back in her life, walking next to her as if they’d never been apart.
    His face was impassive. He’d slipped back into his old distant self after they’d left the square. She wasn’t worried though. She knew that sternness was his public persona. What he was to her behind closed doors was only for them.
    He bade goodbye to Gram and Naomi with a tight nod. They were staying a few doors down from them. He swiped his card and then pushed open the door.
    He held it open for her and then stepped inside behind her. The door slammed shut behind them, leaving them alone in the dark, quiet interior of the luxurious hotel room.
    He pushed her against the wall, crushing his lips to hers. He pinned her hands against

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