from sexy as anyone could get. Rolling her eyes she dropped her clothes on the floor . S he looked down at her shirt, her nipples still pointing straight out. “You’re in deep shit.” Her reflection told her .

Chapter 8
    Tessa headed d ownstairs , the aroma of bacon making her stomach grumble. The sight of Jared standing over her stove barefoot flipping the grease popping bacon sent a zing of yearning through her and that was so not a good thing.
    “Hey sis.” Adam smiled while making a pot of coffee , looking happier than she’ d seen him since this whole ordeal began .
    “How you feeling?” Tessa noticed there wasn’t any eggs out yet and headed to the fridge.
    “Awesome.” Adam beat her to it and handed her the carton of eggs . “Haven’t felt th is good in a while.” His grin widened when Jared chuckled as he worked over the bacon. “Gonna grab a shower. Make a lot of scrambled eggs, I’m starved.” He gave her a big goofy grin before heading upstairs.
    Figuring she really didn’t want to know what was so funny , Tessa reached up into the cabinet above the stove to grab a bowl, but as usual she was too short. Stretching up on tip toes she reached further.
    A hand landed beside hers on the counter as a body pressed against her back pinning her against the counter. A muscular arm reached beside her face up to where her hand reached taking control of the bowl she was going for. “Let me get that for you.” Jared’s breath tickled her arm raising goose bumps where goose bumps hadn’t been for a long time.
    “Thanks.” Tessa’s voice betrayed her with its huskiness as she took the bowl from him without turning around.
    He leaned down close. “You’re welcome.” This time his breath moved her hair , tickling her ear.
    Before turning she glanced down at her shirt hoping to God her nipples were behaving, and sure enough they weren’t. Damn him and her nips. Grabbing the eggs , she broke them in to the bowl, added salt, pepper and a little milk. Reaching over Tessa grabbed the handle on the skillet Jared had used for the bacon so she could get some grease for the eggs , dropping it instantly grabbing her burnt fingers. “Ouch.”
    Jared caught the skillet before it hit the floor. “Careful.” He grabbed her hand, seeing angry red welts on her fingers he quickly put one in his mouth cooling the burn instantly with his tongue.
    Tessa couldn’t take her eyes off her finger in Jared’s mouth. Never had she had her finger sucked on by a man let alone a man who looked like this and damn if she didn’t like it…a lot.
    Tessa pulled her finger out of Jared’s mouth with a loud pop, a hot flush burning her cheeks. “What are you doing?” She grabbed her hand to her chest.
    “It should help.” Jared chuckled, but his eyes burned her to the spot . “Our salvia speeds up healing .”
    Eyeing him she lifted her hand and looked at her finger, which wasn’t burning anymore and by the looks of it the redness was gone.
    “Let me see you r other fingers.” Jared reached for her hand, but she pulled away.
    “Ah….no, I’m good.” She lied, she wasn’t good. She wanted her other fingers in his mouth to feel the soothing touch o f his tongue. What the hell was he doing to her?
    “Hey.” Matt walked into the kitchen his hair a n indication he just woke up.
    “What!” Tessa jumped away from Jared her voice so loud Matt jumped his eyes widening . More embarrassment colored her cheeks when Jared cocked his eyebrow at her.
    “What’ s wrong with you?” Adam ask ed as he came back into the kitchen fresh from his quick shower.
    “Nothing! Why?” Tessa flipped her burned hand around then slung it behind her back. “Nothing’s wrong.” God she sounded like a freakin idiot. Peeking up at Jared she frowned when he tried to cover his grin.
    “Ah…okay.” Adam eyed her , popping a piece of bacon in h is mouth. “Them eggs done yet?”
    Flustered , Tessa turned away from every one happy to hide

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