Eternal Promise (Between Worlds Book 3)

Free Eternal Promise (Between Worlds Book 3) by Talia Jager

Book: Eternal Promise (Between Worlds Book 3) by Talia Jager Read Free Book Online
Authors: Talia Jager
crashed on his. I didn’t hold back this time, nobody was watching. The kiss deepened and I opened my mouth to him. His hand slipped behind my head and pulled me closer. My whole body vibrated and I found myself wishing I could be with him right now, right here.
    Kallan left me breathless when he pulled away and I rested my head on his chest for a moment before he took my hand and we walked toward the archway we had come through hours earlier.
    I suddenly felt a shudder and stopped.
    “What’s wrong?” Kallan asked, scanning the forest.
    “Shhh.” I listened, but didn’t hear anything. I closed my eyes and felt a weird ripple run through me. Something felt off. “This is neutral land, right?”
    Opening my eyes, I said, “I had a weird feeling. I can’t describe it. Something happened just now.”
    Kallan shrugged. “I didn’t feel anything.”
    After taking a last look around, we continued our stroll through the forest, but the uneasy feeling stayed with me.
    “Do you think I could stay with you tonight?” I asked.
    He cupped my face. “You can stay with me whenever you want, but it will be frowned upon by others.”
    “Oh.” I hadn’t thought of that.
    “You want them to like you, to respect you, right?”
    He was right. “Yes.”
    “Then as much as I want to, I think it’d be better if we wait.”
    “So, you’re turning me down?” I said in a playful tone.
    “If you look me in the eyes right now and tell me that you don’t care about your reputation in this realm, I will take you with me.”
    I couldn’t do that. I did care. Not only did I want them to like me, I needed them to. I had to get in good with them so they’d look up to me.
    “See?” He raised his eyebrows.
    “This sucks.”
    “Rylie, we’ll be together soon.”
    “I know…but I want to be with you all the time.”
    “We will.”
    “Fine.” I rolled my eyes. “Will you walk me…home?” I realized I was thinking of Azura’s house as home.
    Kallan walked me right up to the doorstep. He brushed my hair behind my ear. “Goodnight, my sweet.” His lips gently kissed mine.
    I watched him disappear before I stepped inside the tree house. I stayed in Azura’s home that night and slept more peacefully than I did at home in the human realm.
    Chapter Nine

    I woke early to the sounds of the forest and sat at the window seat in my room. The morning was beautiful and I didn’t want to waste it inside any longer. I had this urge to go outside. I put on one of the dresses that lined my closet and glanced in the mirror. My wings fluttered a few times. I traced my ears with my fingers. Ever since my transformation into a faery, my ears had a little point to them. It used to annoy me, but it didn’t anymore.
    I made my bed and put my pillow directly in the center. I made sure the rest of the room was in order before scooting down the stairs and out the door. The sunlight hit my face. It was just above the horizon. I sat down in a grassy field and leaned back on my hands. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the sun. A while later, I heard whispers behind me.
    Azura sat next to me. “Beautiful morning,” she said.
    “It is,” I agreed, looking around. There were flowers encircling us. “I swear this was all grass…”
    “Your happiness changed it,” Azura told me.
    “I did this?”
    “I wasn’t even trying.”
    She didn’t respond. I guess she was letting things sink in. I had the ability to change the earth even when I didn’t realize it. The ground could feel me. The flowers wanted to show my happiness.
    “How do you think things went yesterday?” I asked her.
    “As good as can be,” she answered. “How are you handling everything?”
    I took a deep breath before answering her. “I’ve spent a lot of time feeling guilty for what I did to Adam and for disappointing my parents. It has been an incredible burden. I didn’t mean to hurt any of them. Sitting here

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