Flesh for Fantasy
Chapter One
    “ Cal, tie me to the bed
and use the leather cuffs to bind my hands,” Jacob instructed while
resting back against his pillows. “And don’t make them too tight
like you did last time.”
    “ Yes, Jacob,” the cyborg
said in the echoing metallic voice that always reminded Jacob
exactly what his lover was—fake.
    Jacob sighed, knowing he was starting
to sound like a sniveling whiner, but he was becoming irritated
with the cyborg. After his horrific break-up, he’d opted for the
organic robot in hopes he’d feel less alone without having to jump
back into the dangerous meat market. Now, he only felt more
ostracized and lonely, reminded he was replacing a real live person
with a machine. “Don’t talk. Just nod or shake your head. That
voice of yours pulls me out of the mood.”
    Cal nodded, prepared to follow Jacob’s
orders. Jacob lowered the light beside the bed as the cyborg
slipped into the bed beside him. Jacob had paid a pretty penny for
the cybernetic male, at his best friend’s insistence. Declan had
led the team that had rebuilt the computer brain that went on to
become the integral part of Cal. After the newest release had been
made, Declan had assured Jacob that Cal was exactly the lover for
the job. The cyborg was outfitted with the best components and
looked as human as Jacob did. If it weren't for the voice and the
dull look in the thing’s eyes, Jacob would never know the cyborg
wasn’t human.
    Jacob’s Cal, or Cybernetic Automated
Lover 2.0, was made to Jacob’s precise specifications. Exactly six
foot six with a physique of a pro spaceball player, the
brown-haired, blue-eyed sex god was pretty near perfection in
Jacob’s book—at least when it came to looks. The company that had
sold Cal to him needed to learn a thing or two about the science of
sound and a human’s reaction to it—as well as a few other issues.
Perhaps Jacob needed to have a talk with Declan.
    Trying to imagine it was a real man
tying him down and not a thing he’d paid for, Jacob closed his eyes
and relished the feel of the cuffs being wrapped around his
    “ Master, I am sorry to
speak, but I must ask if the cuffs are too tight. My programming
requires I do no harm.”
    Jacob opened his eyes and looked at
the cyborg, a sigh escaping his lips. What Jacob wouldn’t give to
have a real, strong male to demand his due, without questioning
every move he made. Yet the thought of having to be intimate with
another human was something he just wasn’t prepared for. And it
wasn’t the cyborg’s fault; it’s the way it was programmed. “They’re
    Without another word, Cal pulled
Jacob’s right hand to the corner of the bed and affixed it to the
special latch, one which Jacob could ultimately get out of in case
there was a malfunction with his cyborg. After securing Jacob’s
other hand, Cal then rested back on his knees and appeared to wait
for his next instruction.
    Jacob observed the robot for a moment.
He’d paid to have a top of the line half organic being, one with
all the bells and whistles. It was one that was supposed to be
intuitive and know what it was expected to do next. Cal had done
this particular sex act with Jacob about five times now and still
did not seem to get that Jacob wanted Cal to insert tab A into slot
B. “How many times do I have to tell you what to do next,
    “ But each experience so
far has been slightly different, so there is no true way to
calculate what it is you want me to do next. I need specific data
in order to determine what it is you desire. The first and third
time we experienced sexual intercourse, you instructed me to suck
your cock. The second and fourth time, you asked me to insert my
phallus into your rectum immediately, without precursor. And the
last time, you had me force my phallus into your mouth to quote
“face fuck you as hard as I could”. So which will it be this time
or do you have new data to enter into my memory

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