The Winter Letter

Free The Winter Letter by D.E. Stanley

Book: The Winter Letter by D.E. Stanley Read Free Book Online
Authors: D.E. Stanley
left wrist was a small and round silver mirror that looked like it snapped open and closed. 
    She didn’t wait to be introduced. “Hey! I’m Wohie!”
    “I’m Will,” Will said. He made a move to shake her hand, but Wohie slapped it, bumped it with her knuckles, spun around, and snapped. Gatnom laughed.
    “Ya know, if you’re gonna be on the team you’re gonna have to learn that,” Wohie said seriously.  
    Will looked at the girl standing next to Gatnom. It couldn’t be.
    “Will meet Wohie. She’s the third part of our team,” Gatnom said. “Like you, she’s just old enough to qualify.“
    ”That’s me!“ said Wohie with a smile and a wink.
    “How old are you?” Will asked.
    “I am almost eighty-two percent sure I’m already close to passing the exact age of thirteen.” 
    “What?” When Will finally got it he rolled his eyes. Wohie didn’t notice.
    “Don’t worry man; we’re gonna show you all the ropes,” she said. She stood very straight, with both hands propped on her hips.
    ”It is true that we don’t have much time,” said Gatnom. “The tournament is coming soon. You’re gonna have to learn fast.”
    Gatnom grabbed the open book from the table and handed it to Will. It was thick and heavy. “We’ll skip all but one of the books for now, but this one we can’t skip. This must be read before the ceremony.“
    ”Ceremony? What ceremony?“ Will asked.
    ”The Awakening Ceremony. It’s how you become a magi. We must awaken the magic in you.“
    ”Just read the book. It will answer all of your questions.“
    ”What will I have to do?“
    ”First thing, read this,“ Gatnom said with a smile. Will got the point. 
    ”Okay. Just one more question: when’s the ceremony?“
    “Tonight? Already? You mean I’ve got to read this whole thing today?” Will arms were already tired from holding the big thing.
    “Yes,” Gatnom answered. He looked confused. “Is that a problem?”
    “Oh no! Not at all!” said Will. He shook the large leather book back and forth in front of Gatnom. 
    “Good,” Gatnom replied, not getting Will’s sarcasm.
    “Don’t worry Willy, you can do it man,” Wohie said. She punched him softly in the arm.
    “It’s Will,” Will said.
    “Will... hrm... No, I like Willy better. Willy it is.”
    Gatnom laughed again. “Go ahead and find a quiet place to read. Stay close to camp; it’s not safe to wander off. When it’s time for the ceremony we’ll come get you.”

The Grouchy Book
    After quite the search Will found a tree who promised not to read over his shoulder. He leaned up against it, laid the heavy book in his lap, and flipped open the cover. The book wasn’t divided into chapters, but sections, long scary sections with no page numbers. Will opened to the title page and introduction. 
The arts of the Magi Faith are older than any world we know to have ever existed. It started before history was recorded and has survived every age since. The earliest accounts were recorded and kept by an ancient gardener from the land of—
    Will slammed the book shut. As he had been reading the old ink had started to glow neon blue, and the same light had begun leaking from the rough edges of the paper. He looked up at the tree, who quickly looked away.
    “I know you were looking. What should I do?” Will asked.
    When the tree knew he had been caught he answered, “I didn’t see anything. The letters are too small.” 
    “What? You didn’t see that light?”
    “Um… no?” The tree said, wondering if he was giving the right answer.
    Reluctantly, Will creaked open the book and began to read again. Just like before, the pages started to glow, but this time Will fought the urge to slam the book shut. Within a minute he was completely surrounded by a blue cartoonish fog, and out of the blue a sentence appeared and a voice spoke.
    “The Arts of the Magi Faith are older than any world we know to

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