The Winter Letter

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Book: The Winter Letter by D.E. Stanley Read Free Book Online
Authors: D.E. Stanley
    “Very good. Where were we? Ah yes, The carrier is bound for life to the magi in a special ceremony (which we’ll talk about in the next section) and if ever the carrier is lost it will try to find its way back to its magi. However, it is possible for a magi of greater power to hold another magi’s carrier captive, although it is very difficult to achieve for any lasting amount of time.
    Concerning death, in the event the magi dies the magic remains in the carrier, but cannot be used until the carrier decides (in its own way) to release the power to another magi.”
    “Section Four—”, 
    “Umm Professor.. uh.. Book?” Will asked quietly.
    “Can I have a minute to digest this?”
    “I’m sorry, did I interrupt your lunch?” the book asked nicely.
    “No, no. I need to think about it, it’s alot to swallo—I mean it’s a lot to understand.”
    “Well sure,” Professor Book replied.
    Will sat for a moment, reading the words for himself. 
    “Okay, I’m ready.”
    “Section four: The Ceremony,” the Professor said. “Magic is never born into a person, but must be passed on from an elder magi in a special ceremony called  The Awakening . It is true that second and third generation magi often experience a phenomenon called the  double portion , where at death the magic of the parent magi is passed on to their children, but the ceremony must be performed none the less. It is advised that only more experienced magi attempt to perform The Awaking ceremony because of the unpredictability of the process. The Arts of the Magi Faith are complex with a number of factors to consider, much more than can fit into this small book.”
    Will looked down at the book. Small?
    “The ceremony goes as follows: The elder magi lays his (or her) right hand on the heart of the apprentice. Then they impart one small portion of power using the ancient name of the system, Al` Dun`amis.” 
    The new teacher spoke the words perfectly.
    “These words will activate the magic inside of the apprentice as well as bind them to their carrier. The only two requirements of the apprentice magi is he read this book and memorize an ancient poem (which has been translated to the modern language). This poem is to be recited at the ceremony as an oath.”
    Here the nice Professor paused. He sounded like he took a drink of water. “William, this next section is very important. You should pay close attention.”
    Will nodded and leaned in to listen. The blue fog turned red just as the Professor started speaking.
    “Section Five: A Warning. This section starts with an ancient story from a far away world...” 
    The narrator’s voice faded out as a scene of a young prince sitting on a massive throne faded in. A servant was prostrate in front of the throne. The servant was hideous, more like a creature, and he was trembling as he spoke. 
    “Sire, there is some resistance to your latest orders. I’m afraid there is a small uprising, my Lord.”
    “What do you mean, uprising?” the Prince asked. His words were sharp and loud. The servant shuttered as he spoke, almost as if he was afraid he would be cut by the prince’s words.
    “Sire, they are fighting back,” whimpered the servant.
    “WHAT?!” the Prince screamed. “Do they actually think they can resist my rule?!”
    “No one could think such a foolish thing Sir—”
    “This world is mine!” the Prince screamed as he jumped to his feet. Jewels fell to the ground from his lap, and his black cloak flapped open. The Prince lifted his hands in front of his face and admired ten glowing red rings. “I did not kill my father and take his throne so a band of worms could take it back!” His face distorted into a scowl as he spoke and twigs of lightning flashed between his fingers. The creature on the ground shuddered. 
    Suddenly the Prince looked curious.  “Tell me Filth, how are they fighting?”
    “Sire, they have some sort of m-m-magic,” The creature

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