Merediths Awakening

Free Merediths Awakening by Violet Summers

Book: Merediths Awakening by Violet Summers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Violet Summers
licked a warm path across her bare skin, eliciting a shriek of rage as she began kicking and struggling again. She was perfect.
    “You won’t get away with this!” Her smooth, modulated voice had given way to a snarl. “You will get caught, and I will personally make sure you spend the rest of your short and miserable life in jail.” He didn’t respond, other than to wander around behind her, trailing his rough fingers over her bare flesh. She wasn’t saying no, and she wasn’t using the safe word. “You’ll be some convict named Guido’s bitch, and every time he bends you over, you’ll think of me.” The longer he remained silent, the less confident her voice became, until she finally trailed off entirely.
    He was almost sorry when she stopped. He much preferred this passionate, feisty Meredith to the pale ghost he’d met with in her office. This woman had fire, though she’d buried it deep, and he intended to throw gasoline on it.
    Once she’d gone silent, Tony reached into his back pocket and pulled out a length of black satin. He drew the cloth over her cheek, her collarbone, and then in one practiced movement wrapped it around her eyes, tying it tight in the back. Then he stood back, well out of the reach of her kicking feet, until she’d calmed again. Well, he mused, he had wanted to make her scream herself raw. This just wasn’t exactly how he’d planned it.
    Meredith stood breathing raggedly, little whimpers coming on the heels of each exhalation. She felt too drained to fight, too confused to know if she really wanted to fight. He’d bound her, blindfolded her, trussed her up like a fricking Thanksgiving turkey, but his touch had been strangely tender. The heat he radiated threatened to melt the ice she’d encased her emotions in. And he smelled so good.
    He dropped to his knees and lifted the hem of her shirt. She went stiff, but didn’t fight as he rubbed the leather of his mask over her midriff in an oddly affectionate gesture, sending little chills over her skin. When he popped the button of her pants she couldn’t hold back a small cry.
    Softly, tentatively she asked, “Are you going to hurt me?” And then was ashamed of herself for giving him so much power. His answer was to peel her pants and panties off with one smooth movement, pausing only to remove her leather sandals when they got in the way. His hands on her legs were gentle, and she felt a tiny bit more of her fear recede.
    Standing, he pulled the hem of her top along with him until it was dragged up her arms, and tucked it behind her neck, exposing her for his pleasure. He made a small sound and traced one finger over the patterned lace of her bra before popping the front clasp open and setting her breasts free. Now entirely bare to his gaze, Meredith could do nothing but wait for his next move.
    God she was lovely. He’d known she would be. Had even seen bits and pieces of her.
    But this, her bare and stretched out in his bonds, was beyond anything he could have imagined. Her skin was milky white and free of blemish. Her ass rounded and firm. He pictured her white, white ass flushed pink from his hand … from his flogger … and felt his cock surge so hard it all but busted his zipper.
    He wanted to dominate her completely. To own her pleasure. But he knew, this first time at least, he had to go carefully. She had too many barriers, too many fears. They were like a mine field he had to pick through to find the warm, passionate woman they guarded. If he could just get her to trust him enough, he could give her everything.
    Everything her body could take. And in pleasuring her, his own fulfillment would be shattering.
    He wasn’t touching her, but she knew he was there. She could feel his heat, and his enticing scent, musk and man, surrounded her. A rustle, a soft plop, and his lips touched her shoulder. When she felt rough skin and silky hair brush across the back of her neck she realized he’d removed the

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