The Dictionary of Human Geography

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Authors: Michael Watts
disempower people living with HIV. It especially reframed AIDS as a poLiticaL geograpHy, raising ques tions of equity and sociaL justice in particular places. In this way, HIV positive people were reconceptualized not as passive nodes of diffu sion (with all the attendant blame), but as active agents struggling to prevent further in fection, and to respond caringly and humanely to the ?glocal? dimensions (see gLocaLizatioN/ gLocaLity) of the pandemic. In this way, geographers' complex response to AIDS was a synecdoche for the epistemological and methodological debates within/between med icaL geograpHy and geographies of HeaLtH and HeaLtH care, but also the growing interest in feminism and the rise of queer geography (see QuEer tHeory). It thereby ac celerated and intensified links between that sub discipline and a wide array of others. This work also broached the nature society duality, exemplifying for some the incorpor ation of the body and disease into the explod ing field of poLiticaL ecoLogy. (NEW PARAGRAPH) Presently, work in geography continues on the sociaL construction of the syndrome and the various social identities of sexuaLity, race, cLass and gender (e.g. Raimondo, 2005). In more contemporary work on HIV and AIDS, there has also been a return to a more global (or glocal) perspective (Craddock, 2000b). There has also been a much needed return to a regional focus on AIDS in africa (e.g. Oppong, 1998; Kesby, 1999), but also the global South more generally, bringing the pandemic into deveLopment geography, as well as gLobaLization and geographies of neo LiberaLism (e.g. questions on access to expensive, life saving drugs in the context of free trade and market hegemony; or questions of safer sex education in the context of an ascendant social conservatism and homopho bia in social and international aid policy). In this way, more recent works show a much greater appreciation of the multiplicity of social geographies of AIDS than the previous two strands of research. mb (NEW PARAGRAPH) Suggested reading (NEW PARAGRAPH) Craddock, Oppong, Ghosh and Kalipeni (2003); Shannon, Pyle and Bashshur (1991). (NEW PARAGRAPH)

A problem solving procedure with set rules. Many algorithms can be represented as decision making trees and translated into computer code, allowing complex tasks to be tackled efficiently. rj (NEW PARAGRAPH)

A term derived from the Latin word alienus, meaning ?of or belonging to an other'. Of Judeo Christian origin, the concept became a secularized keyword in nineteenth and twentieth century phiLosophy and sociaL theory via G.W.F. Hegel?s writings, particu larly his Phenomenology of the spirit (1808) and Philosophy of right (1821), and their critical adaptation by Karl Marx in his early writings (1843 5). In Phenomenology, Hegel contended that the object world (nature, religion, art etc.), which loomed independent of man?s consciousness, epitomized alienation. Accordingly, absolute knowledge or freedom consisted in overcoming alienation by under standing the external world as emanation of Spirit a facet of the human subject?s own self consciousness or essence. Rejecting the polit ically conservative implications of Hegel?s philosophy, which anointed the state and its order of private property as the culmination of substantive freedom (i.e. as the essence and end product of man?s striving for self con sciousness), Karl Marx instead proposed that capitalist production organized around state protected private property rights and that cal culative reason was the source of radical dis harmony among individuals, who ended up estranged from their social existence; between individuals and their creative life activity or labour; and between individuals and means of production (see capitalism; class). The (NEW PARAGRAPH) concept of alienation entered geography via the work of Bertell Ollman (1976) and his interlocutors. vg (NEW PARAGRAPH) Suggested reading (NEW PARAGRAPH) Marx (1988 [1844]). (NEW

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