Where I Belong (Alabama Summer)

Free Where I Belong (Alabama Summer) by J. Daniels

Book: Where I Belong (Alabama Summer) by J. Daniels Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. Daniels
me what I
    Anything. I’ll give him anything right now. I pull my
legs up, giving him deeper entry. But he doesn’t take it. He teases me with his
cock and it is the greatest torment of my life. I feel a brush along my nose,
but his hand stays in place on my cheek. Confused, I ignore it and focus on
him. On the way he looks at me, his gray eyes so bright it’s almost blinding.
On the way his other hand grips my ass, fingers digging into my skin. I feel
another brush and shake my head, needing him to give me what I want. I try to
urge him deeper again but his will is stronger than my desire. He keeps up the
long, slow drags of his cock. It’s a blissful torment that rocks me straight to
my core.
    “Please. I’ll give you anything,” I beg, digging my nails
into his back. I feel another brush down my nose and grunt it away, not wanting
anything to pull me out of this moment.
    “You. I want you, pretty girl.”
    I close my eyes and feel his words run through me. He
wants me, but can I give him that?
    “Are you a wheal pwincess?” Another voice enters my head,
along with another brush down my nose.
    I shake my head, not wanting to hear anything but the man
above me. But I can’t hear him anymore. I can’t hear his soft moans. I can’t
feel his skin against mine. Flesh to raw flesh. And when I open my eyes, I
realize why.
    My eyes focus on a tiny face that is staring at me, with
wild brown hair and big gray eyes. He smiles, brushing his finger down my nose,
and I don’t miss the two massive dimples that appear in his cheeks.
    “I woke the pwincess.” His little voice is husky and deep
like he’s just had his tonsils removed. He climbs up onto the bed, holding a
wooden sword in his tiny grasp.
    I rub my eyes and sit up a little, propping myself up on two
pillows. Smiling at him, I run my finger down his nose and he giggles the most
infectious laugh I’ve ever heard. “Hi, cutie. What’s your name?”
    “Nowwllaann.” He drags out his name, jabbing his sword into
the bed with three enthusiastic thrusts.
    I laugh. “Nolan. That’s a cool name.” I touch his sword and
he holds it up in the air, swinging it around his body. I notice the dragon
embroidered shirt and patterned socks he’s wearing, sensing an interest. “Did
you slay all the dragons for me?”
    His eyes go wide and he shifts to his knees before nodding
frantically. “Daddy said I had to save the pwincess.”
    Daddy? Does Ben have a kid? “Did he? How many
dragons did you slay, noble knight?”
    “One Fousand!” He jumps to his feet and holds his sword
above his head. I think I’ve just met the cutest kid that’s ever existed.
    I hold my hands around him in case he gets too close to the
edge of the bed. “My hero. How old are you?”
    “This many.” He holds up three fingers and falls to his
belly, sliding off the bed and swinging his sword all around him. He stops and
moves closer to me, running his finger down my nose again. “What’s your name?”
    “Pwincess Mia,” he corrects me with crooked grin. “Daddy
said that you might need to be kissed to wake you up.”
    “Oh, you’re right. How silly of me.” I slump back down in
the bed and close my eyes, feeling the weight of a small body next to me. I try
not to smile as his lips touch my cheek, prompting me to pop my eyes open.
    “I see you found the princess, buddy.” Ben leans against the
door frame, smiling at me with the same dimpled grin that just saved me from
the dragons. “But didn’t I say that if she needed to be kissed to come get me
so I could do it?”
    I sit up against the headboard, pulling the covers up to my
chest. I slept in a tank top and tiny shorts, and I am definitely not wearing a
bra. I smash the covers to my body, suddenly feeling incredibly shy around the
only man that’s ever seen me naked.
    Nolan hops off the bed and walks over to him. “Can I go
swinnin now?”
    “Yeah, go get your bathing suit from the bag.”

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