Perfect Sacrifice

Free Perfect Sacrifice by Jack Parker

Book: Perfect Sacrifice by Jack Parker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jack Parker
like this."
    "Like hell I can't," she responded. "I've never turned down a challenge. When people wanna challenge the ace knight, I can't disappoint them. I rarely get to battle, so I have to take every opportunity."
    "So…" began Brian, drawing her attention. "Should I set up a time?"
    "Yes, three days," she said.
    "Three days?!" yelled Abby. "You won't be better by then!"
    "I don't care," responded Ray stubbornly. "I won't be better in a week either, so what's the difference?"
    "You shouldn't accept at all." Ray just glared at Abby and then turned back to Brian, who stood patiently awaiting her response.
    "Set it up for three days from now at noon, alright?" He nodded and walked out the door, scribbling down a few notes as he left. It was hard to believe that he hadn't once argued the topic with her. Maybe he understood that it was a futile matter.
    Abby just sighed out of annoyance and sat down on a nearby chair, watching as the nurses slipped Ray's arm into its sling. It was hard to imagine piloting a Geno like that. However, she seemed so sure that she could do it. Then again, this was Ray. Maybe she could pull it off. The smile on her face certainly seemed confident enough.
    The young knight stood up, stretching her still good right arm. It was almost as if having one arm in a sling wasn't bothering her at all at the moment.
    "You shouldn't battle," warned Abby, drawing just the slightest amount of Ray's attention. "You might get hurt."
    "I'm already hurt, incase you haven't noticed," she responded. "I can still pilot, and I'll win. It'll just be a new challenge, that's all." Abby sighed, realizing that she wasn't going to win. Ray was far too stubborn to give in, and if she wanted to do something, she did it. No one ever tried to stop her, and when they did, they never succeeded.
    Ray began heading for the door, walking right past Abby and the nurses. She stretched her arm over her head again, smiling to herself.
    "I think I'll get some rest," she said. "I'm kinda tired." Before Abby could respond or try once more to dissuade the ace knight from her decision, Ray walked out the door, heading down the hallway towards her room. She really did need to get some sleep. After all, her day had been anything but relaxing.
    * * * *
    "Leon, are you insane?" questioned Chris frantically. His older brother was simply lounging on the couch, not seeming to care that he was practically pulling his blond hair out. Obviously Leon had no idea about the consequences to his most recent action. That or he just didn't care.
    Dr. Solaris walked into the room, sipping a can of pop. He quickly noticed his younger son's distress. He walked over to Chris and Leon, a question on his lips.
    "What's going on?" he asked, confused over the predicament. Chris turned to his dad frenetically.
    "Leon challenged the ace knight!" he exclaimed. Dr. Solaris nearly spit out the pop he was drinking. He coughed a few times, clearing his liquid filled throat. He challenged Ray? He wanted to say it out loud, but he still needed to keep his promise.
    "Leon," he began as calmly as he could, catching his son's attention. "Why did you challenge the ace knight?"
    "I wanna see if I can win," he said simply. "I just want a challenge, and there isn't a better pilot than the ace knight." That made sense. There really wasn't a pilot who was better…except for Ramirez. However, he never came out to battle. He was always hidden away at his base, and no one had a clue as to where that was. Even if he did decide to participate in an official battle, he wouldn't get far. The GRC would arrest him on the spot.
    "I see," responded Dr. Solaris. He knew his son didn't stand a chance against Ray and her well rounded Geno, a machine without a base form. It was built for a soldier, and it was given to a knight. However, it was possible that Leon would stand a chance at victory simply because of the timing. Ray's arm was more or less broken. She was at a serious disadvantage. This

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